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Yet another PID question...

Started by flipperz71, March 24, 2008, 05:40:50 AM

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Installed the PID yesterday.  I mounted in the smoke gen.  Using a "K" thermocoupler, red on - and white on +.  Everything powers on, but it seems that it is not reading the correct temp.  I set the temp at 199, but the measured temp was hovering around 46-48 degrees after 20 mins, the door thermometer read alot higher.  Using the isntructions provided with the unit (Auber), I pressed the am buttom to start the autotune.    I think I am missing something.  Can someone post the autotune procedure.  Not sure if that is causing the problem.. Also, one it autotunes, does unplugging the unit erase that data.



Tiny Tim

First on the Thermocouple...did you notice what the probe read right when you plugged the unit in?  If the temp reading went down as the temp being measured went up, switch to Red on + and White on -, that should fix the problem.

If you have the Auber PID, to run Autotune, you have to go into the menu (press and hold the SET key until the display changes), then down to the "At" function, and change the number 3 to number 2.  It'll take about half an hour to an hour or so.  Unplugging does not erase the tuning data (provided the Autotune was complete).

Mr Walleye

Tiny has it covered pretty good. You can test the PID with out it plugged into the Bradley. Just plug the PID in and look at the temp display, hold the TC in your fingers and you should see it rise, if not you have the TC wires reversed. Not sure if you have a plug on your TC or not but you should make sure you use TC wire all the way to the PID controller or it can case problems as well.

Keep us posted.


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I will try these tonight and post the findings. 



Stupid is as stupid does....  I reversed the temp leads... 

I did the autotune and all is well..

Thanks to all for the help.

Flip  :-[


Not to worry "Forrest".....I wired my PID correctly, but the positive and negative on my Omega TC must have been labeled incorrectly because I had the same problem.  The hotter the smoker got, the lower it read.  I had that badboy to -168 F at one point!
If we are not supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat??

Tiny Tim

Quote from: flipperz71 on March 25, 2008, 04:40:27 AM
Stupid is as stupid does....  I reversed the temp leads... 

I did the autotune and all is well..

Thanks to all for the help.

Flip  :-[

It's not stupid....there's several of us that had the same problem, including me.  Don't know how anybody else figured it out, but I just took a shot in the dark and reversed the wires.

Glad ya got it all dialed in now and are ready for some serious smokin' and lookin' busy with a drink in your hand. :D ;D


Not an uncommon mistake at all. The only reason I got lucky was one of the guys working in the calibration dept. caught it for me.

Mr Walleye

Yup.... It's a 50 - 50 chance!  ;)

I got lucky!  :D


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Hi there i have a question about pid pls... When you set it at (exemple 200F) and it reach this temp does it include the smoke generator temp? I know it doesnt control the sg but if the sg heat at ex 40F alone and you want 200F total, how does it work does it make 200 - 40 = 160 so the heat element only heat at 160F + 40F and regulate ( heat goes up) once you have stop the smoke gen (if you stop it) or does it go at 200 + 40F (sg) so its little bit over heating? thx


The probe from the PID monitors the box temp and the PID controls the box heating element to reach a set temp.  It does not matter about the heat from the SG nor the heat from the sun.
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So, if i hunderstood, if i set it at 200F and put my maverick to check the internal temp it will say more than 200 cause of the sg. So if i want 200F max i would be better to set it lower than 200 to have a 200 temp max including the sg temp?


No.  Your PID should have a temp probe that goes into the cabinet.  It reads the cabinet temp and then instructs the PID to turn on/off the cabinet heating element to maintain the set temp.  It should maintain the set temp of the cabinet regardless of use or non-use of the smoke generator.  You can use the Maverick probe to double check the cabinet temp if you want.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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Ok thx i undertood it will adjust in function of the sg. So if the sg is on it will say 200 with it and when im done with the sg it will higher the heat beacause i closed the sg thank you now i know. Im in the process of buying a pid and thats why was lokking more info about the way it works thx Wildcat. The not so fast guy think hes now undertanding the way it works

Tiny Tim

Umm, I'm not sure that you understand it completely yet, or else I'm misunderstanding your last post (very possible).

The PID will cycle the tower heating element on and off to hold within a couple of degrees of your set point.  When your smoke generator is turned on, the added heat will only affect the length of time that the PID has your tower element on or off.

The only time you need to worry about the heat from the smoke generator is if your PID is set lower than the temp inside the cabinet.  The smoke generator itself can get the temp inside the cabinet to 150*, so if you wanted to smoke at, say 130*, the PID will not be able to help you.