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Contest From Iceman and Olds

Started by Oldman, April 02, 2008, 04:01:23 PM

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Prize a portable grill supplied by Iceman. Freight paid for by Olds. This contest is open to all no matter where you live in the world.

Simple rules just answer the following questions:
1. Why does the Moon look larger when rising or setting then it does when over head?
2. Are tomatoe leaves ever added to a salad? If your answer is yes or no explain your answer.
3. Two part question: Who owns the recipes on the recipe site? Who owns the recipe site?
5. Is an un-ripe pineapple toxic? If your answer is yes or no explain your answer.
6. Pick a number between 1 and 1000. (the closest to the number wins this answer.)

Now the person to answer the most questions correctly wins the grill.

In case of a tie we will have a run off.

Iceman / Olds...

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


Quote from: Oldman on April 02, 2008, 04:01:23 PM
Prize a portable grill supplied by Iceman. Freight paid for by Olds. This contest is open to all no matter where you live in the world.

Simple rules just answer the following questions:
1. Why does the Moon look larger when rising or setting then it does when over head?
2. Are tomatoe leaves ever added to a salad? If your answer is yes or no explain your answer.
3. Two part question: Who owns the recipes on the recipe site? Who owns the recipe site?
5. Is an un-ripe pineapple toxic? If your answer is yes or no explain your answer.
6. Pick a number between 1 and 1000. (the closest to the number wins this answer.)

Now the person to answer the most questions correctly wins the grill.

In case of a tie we will have a run off.

Iceman / Olds

I'll post pictures of the grill in the next day or two. Comes with a set of grill tools also. Good luck folks.

I think Olds wanted the answers posted here and not as a PM to me. Please repost your PM's to this thread. Sorry for the confusion.




I know the answer to 3 questions. To save some brain cells and research time, I'll tell you the answer to question #6 (868), wish you all luck, and tip my hat to the winner ;D.


Quote from: Oldman on April 02, 2008, 04:01:23 PM
Prize a portable grill supplied by Iceman. Freight paid for by Olds. This contest is open to all no matter where you live in the world.

Simple rules just answer the following questions:
1. Why does the Moon look larger when rising or setting then it does when over head?
2. Are tomatoe leaves ever added to a salad? If your answer is yes or no explain your answer.
3. Two part question: Who owns the recipes on the recipe site? Who owns the recipe site?
5. Is an un-ripe pineapple toxic? If your answer is yes or no explain your answer.
6. Pick a number between 1 and 1000. (the closest to the number wins this answer.)

Now the person to answer the most questions correctly wins the grill.

In case of a tie we will have a run off.

Iceman / Olds

My answers.

1. Its an optical illusion. The moon dont change. Trees and mountains make it look bigger than it does overhead.
2. Tomatoe leaves have alot of alkaloids in them and not good to eat raw.
3. Ray owns the site. Susan owns the recipes................somthing like that
4. Where is number 4?............................................................I WIN  LOL  :D  :D  ;D
5. Un ripe pineapples are bitter like a persimon..... not toxic.
6. I pick 647



Post answers to this thread and not a PM to me or Olds. Thanks folks and I love the response so far.  :)

Mr Walleye

1. Why does the Moon look larger when rising or setting then it does when over head?
The Moon illusion is a visual illusion (optical illusion) in which the Moon appears larger near the horizon than it does while higher up in the sky. This visual illusion also occurs with the Sun and star constellations; it is also known as the celestial illusion.

2. Are tomato leaves ever added to a salad?
No. Tomato leaves and stems are poisonous.

3. Two part question:
- Who owns the recipes on the recipe site?
The recipes are a collection of the best tried and true recipes of the various members of both the Bradley Forum and the Old's Recipe Site.
- Who owns the recipe site?
Susan Minor.

4. It's gone.......  :o

5. Is an un-ripe pineapple toxic? The pineapple (ananas comosus) is a bromeliad; in fact, one of the few in its family that is edible. However, the fruit of an unripe pineapple is poisonous and will irritate both your mouth and throat.

6. Pick a number between 1 and 1000.
My number is 97.

Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


1. Atmosphere acts as a magnifying lens over the slant distances associated with the horizon.
2. No. Contains glycoalkaloids, which are toxic.
3. Unless copyrighted, no one owns the receipes on the site. I vote for Susan Minor owning the site.
5. I'd say not toxic, but does contain enzymes that may trigger reactions in some people.
6. 825

Arcin' & Sparkin'

Habanero Smoker

As others have already posted.

1. Why does the Moon look larger when rising or setting then it does when over head?
This is an optical illusion, which cannot be captured by camera. The brain is misinterpreting what the eye is seeing. Foreground objects trick your brain into thinking the moon is bigger than it really is.

2. Are tomatoe leaves ever added to a salad? If your answer is yes or no; explain your answer.
No. Tomatoes are part of the Nightshade family, and the leaves are toxic.

3. Two part question: Who owns the recipes on the recipe site? Who owns the recipe site?
I'll be safe and use a round about answer. As Raye has often posted the recipe site belongs to the members. Thoough Raye generously uses his own money and time to maintain it. The URL was named for his wife Susan.

The recipes are submitted by individual members, but once posted they are public domain.

5. Is an un-ripe pineapple toxic? If your answer is yes or no explain your answer.
Yes. When unripe, the pineapple is inedible and poisonous, irritating the throat and acts as a drastic laxative. This seems to be caused the enzyme Bromeliain which is a natural food tenderizer and anticoagulant. I could not determine why this is more poisonous in unripen pineapple as opposed to ripen. My guess would be this enzyme is more concentrated in unripen pineapple fruit, and later this enzyme concentrates itself in the stem.

6. Pick a number between 1 and 1000. (the closest to the number wins this answer.)



1. Why does the Moon look larger when rising or setting then it does when over head?

This is an optical illusion, due to visualising the moon against terrain nearer the horizon compared to viewing it against just sky.

2. Are tomatoe leaves ever added to a salad? If your answer is yes or no explain your answer.

No, they are not. The leaves contain tomatine, an alkyloid which can affect the nervous system, part of the "nightshade" family.

3. Two part question: Who owns the recipes on the recipe site? Who owns the recipe site?

No one and everyone owns the recipes themselves; whilst the recipe site itself is on Susan's URL it is "owned" by all the members courtesy of Raye and Susan, who actually pay for it!!

5. Is an un-ripe pineapple toxic? If your answer is yes or no explain your answer.

Unripe pineapples are used by some cultures cooked in curries etc but generally the juices of unripe pineaples are regarded at toxic. Unripe pineapples have been used to treat VD amongst other things!  ;) :D

Unripe (raw) pineapples can cause violent diarrhoea etc.

It is the bromelain in ripe pineapples that tenderises them and is used medicinally on occasions. This enzyme alters the "bad" juices of unripe pineapples.

6. Pick a number between 1 and 1000. (the closest to the number wins this answer.)

666... "the number of the beast"

Thanks to Pat and Raye for coming up with this contest.  :)


1)   The moon's size never changes - rather it is an optical illusion. It stems from the brain's habit of calculating the dimensions of the unfamiliar by comparing them with the size of the familiar. When the moon is setting/rising, it is low in the horizon and among an abundance of buildings, trees and houses. When the brain compares the sizes of moon and the buildings, the moon is bigger and thus appears huge to the mind's eye. Directly overhead however, there is nothing to contrast the moon to but the infinite sky. Even clouds are generally bigger, so the size of the moon mentally shrinks.

2)   Because tomato leaves have a pronounced fresh-tomato aroma thanks to their leaf enzymes and prominent aromatic oil glands, some cooks add a few leaves to restore its fresh notes

3)   I would assume the person posting the recipe gets credit since the website states they claim no ownership or copyright to any recipe. The site is powered by Vbulletin and is owned by Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.

4)   The juice from unripe pineapples can act as a violent purgative. Reported adverse effects from bromelain include diarrhea, menorrhagia, nausea, skin rash, and vomiting.

5)   #36

Tiny Tim

1. Why does the Moon look larger when rising or setting then it does when over head?

An effect known as the "Ponzo Illusion".  We're used to seeing clouds just a few miles above us, but the clouds on the horizon can be hundreds of miles away, creating a flatter visual orbit than the actual orbit of the Moon around the Earth.

2. Are tomatoe leaves ever added to a salad? If your answer is yes or no explain your answer.

No.  Solanine, the main toxin in tomatoes, will make humans very sick.  Plus they're icky. :D

3. Two part question: Who owns the recipes on the recipe site? Who owns the recipe site?

Since they are not copyrighted, nobody actually owns the recipes.  They can be used by anybody who finds them.  The site is owned by Susan Minor.

5. Is an un-ripe pineapple toxic? If your answer is yes or no explain your answer.

Yes.  Unripe pineapple is not only inedible, it is poisonous, causing throat irritation and severe vomiting and diarrhea.

6. Pick a number between 1 and 1000. (the closest to the number wins this answer.)



Here ya go folks. Take a look at what's up for grabs. Sorry for the delay. Click on the pictures to enlarge.  ;D

West Coast Kansan

I would just drop an A and call it 50/50.


Click On Link For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes and Register at this site for Tuesday Night Chat Room Chat is FUN!

NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)

Mr Walleye

Great lookin' portable grill Ice 'n Olds!  8)

That puppy would look great at a few fishing tournaments this year!  ;)

:D  :D  ;D


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes