Another Newbie......Brisket Direction help request..

Started by MH, April 26, 2008, 04:35:14 AM

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Hello gang:

Ive had my smoker since xmas 06. I made a long move and am just now getting settled and ready to crank her up again. Prior to the chaos associated with moving, i had pulled off a few successful smokes and a few disasters. GOOD: Sausage,Ribs, and Turkey...Man...The Turkey was simply fantastic

DISASTER: Of course...Brisket
This is what i want to pull off the most. I know newbies to any hobby are borderline intolerable, and i hope to not rub (no pun intended ) the wrong way. Im having guest soon and would like a few pointers if not straight up instructions. lol..Im also "term challenged"..What the heck is FTC? Sorry. Im ashamed.




I can't offer much help on the brisket, only have done 1 so far.  It was good though. Do a search here,lots of posts and advice on them.
FTC stands for Foil, Towel, and Cooler.  So when you remove the meat from the smoker, you wrap it in  aluminum foil, a towel, and put it in a cooler. It will still have the internal temp rise a bit while doing this.  So take that into consideration when you do it.  FTC also allows you to finish the meat before you want to eat it and still be warm for serving.  Plenty of posts on this too.



Welcome to the forum.  I did brisket yesterday, and although I had some PID problems, it turned out wonderful.

I smoked a 7.5 pounder.  I like to apply olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, and onion powder.  I used Hickory this time (4 hours worth).  Smoked/cooked at 200ish for a total cook time of 15 hours.  The cook time will vary.  I took out of smoker at a meat temp of 175.  I then wrapped in cling wrap after it cooled and place in the fridge since it was 11:00 pm.  I would normally FTC for 4 hours.

If you cook at a higher temp you may want to go to 185 to 190 meat temp.  Just be patient during the plateau because it could stay there for a few hours.  The longer is stays there, the more tender and juicy the meat will be IMHO.  That is why I stay around 200 box temp.
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