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New PID on the Market- Plug and Play

Started by lvigil, May 02, 2008, 12:10:02 PM

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Hello All,
I was going on the forum to inform you guys about this new PID I saw on ebay and I noticed someone beat me to the punch. Anyway, I called the company this past Sunday to inquire about the product, because the photos I saw on line were using the OBS and my concern was can it be used for the DBS. I am not mechanically inclined and I have been looking for something like this to regulate temp without drilling holes or re-wiring. The person I spoke to said the company has been in business for 3 years manufacturing these instruments and he has a friend that owns a Bradley smoker. The friend asked if they could make a PID compatible with the Bradley unit and so they did. The process started in Dec and they finished a couple of weeks ago. I asked if this unit was compatible with the DBS and he said the testing was conducted on the OBS but it can be used on the Digital, however an extra cable was needed. My question to you more experienced Bradley owners is are the connections in back of the OBS and DBS pretty much the same? Which plug would I connect to this PID instead of the Bradley? Does the same cord used for the heating element operate the smoking element? If so can I even use the PID without disrupting the burner plate/smoke? I asked these questions during my conversation with Auber Instruments and he said he could not see why it could not be used with the DBS and I could return the PID if it could not. I would appreciate any feedback you guys can give. I did order the cheaper non programmable and I am anxiously awaiting its arrival. Thanks.


I was planning on building a PID, but I have several other projects in the queue ahead of it. If OTOH, I buy one, I can put it into production right away. It would seem that the programmable one is a nice option to have. I may buy one this week and report back on it. One reservation is that I seem to recall that the Auber brand TC is not the preferred TC, that the Omega TC was ?
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Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
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Saw the two types on ebay after reading the post here. Got one of the programmable ones on the way!  ;D
When it's brown its cooking....when its black its done!

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OK I did it i ordered one today and will give it a real work out this weekend when I load up my OBS. I will smoke 6 slabs and 4 half chickens so te true test is on. will report back on how it works. ;)


They ran out of the programmable one. They said they would have more in two weeks.
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


If you go to the actual supplier's website, the unit is for $109 and change.  Check here:


I've got a Digital Bradley and I'm very anxious to hear how these work on the Digital.

Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!


I am extremely interested in this unit.  Unfortunately I have a DBS.  After reading other posts, can someone tell me what additional cords might be required?  Interestingly enough, recent post says they are already out of the programable units.  Did they think there were only about 10 of us Bradley owners out here?  BTW, if you go to their website, they're using Kummok's salmon recipe to illustrate the advantage of the programable model!  I'm thinking they owe Kummok!!

Can anyone help me here?



Looking at this more.  Here's another question.  From my understanding this unit is the Bradley attachment.  Is it also controlling the puck dispenser?  If so, I would think that would be a less than desireable solution.  Anyone have any ideas?

Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!

Tiny Tim

The unit plugs in between the Generator and the Cabinet (or direct between the wall outlet and Cabinet), and only operates the Cabinet.  It also does not have any direct affiliation with Bradley, only built to be "Plug and Play" compatible with the Bradley Smokers.

edit to add the bit in parentheses


I gave one of these units a test run today. Empty smoker,vent about 1/2 open, no water pan. I set the temp on the unit for 180. When it stabilized the temp on the controller was showing 191. I also had 2 other temp probes inside. One probe for my Maverick which was reading 197 at this time and one probe to my Polder which was reading 192.What do you PID gurus think? Is some form of recalibration needed?


I too received mine today and did a test run, But i went to Walmart and bought some ceramic brickettes for the gas grill. I have read post about using oven brick and such so i was looking around and found these at wally world. I pluged my PID in and run a test no water set the unit on 200 and left it for about an hour, with the bickettes in suronding the wate bowl. I placed my maverick probe in the top vent too about to the top of the 2nd rack from top (4 rack OBS), yes mine too was a little of but only by 7 degrees. which is good enough for me.

West Coast Kansan

Will be interesting to hear the results with a live smoke.  Wondering about how stable, consistent, the temp remains at different points... fluctuation thing for sausage.   ???  Thanks

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)

Mr Walleye

Does the unit have an auto tune feature?


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I am giving it the real test right now. Started a 7lb. pork butt 10 hours ago and it is sitting at 168 degrees now. Set the unit at 210 degrees and my Maverick has read a constant 214 the whole time with no fluctuations at all. It appears to be the real deal. It does have an auto tune feature , but with these results I don't thing I would change a thing.This is the first time I have ever done an overnight smoke and I was actually able to sleep. Set it and Forget it. Can't wait to dig in.


I have to agree with Milehi

I just did 4.5 slabs of ribs and 9 chicken Breast, my 4 rack was packed full. I had to satarted the thing about 4 in the morning and it took about 2 hours to get it back up to full temp. I took chicken out about 10 am and FTC them I left ribs on for another hour. Then I placed the ribs in oven @ 300 for 2 hours tented with water apple juice mixture. All I can say is that they were falling off the bone at that point, kind of hard to get then to the serving plate. THis PID did an excellent job as far as I am concerened.