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New PID on the Market- Plug and Play

Started by lvigil, May 02, 2008, 12:10:02 PM

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Auber Instruments is selling on EBAY a PID for the Bradley smokers... Plug and Play..

Here is the link.


The price is $145.00 with $15 to ship...

More options for all.. ::) :P
New Mexico "Land of Enchantment"

Mr Walleye


That looks pretty good. The only thing I noticed was the minimum temp being 120 degrees. Other than that, it looks good.


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Ivigil, I wish I had know about that before I made mine. I think that way would of been a lot easier!!
Smoke like your from Texas....use Mesquite



Looking at this ebay PID, I notice that they intend for you to simply drop the temp sensor down the vents on your Bradley.  I've noticed that most people that have built their own PID's, have installed the temp sensor into the back of their Bradley cabinet.  Would there be any pros/cons of using a temp sensor that is simply dropped down the vent like this unit?


I use THS 113-041 on this web site: http://www.thermoworks.com/products/probe/tc_hightemp.html

May eventually try the 8468-22.

I can run it through the door or down the vent and place it anywhere I want.
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That is pretty cool, but you can build one cheaper and have the fun of putting it together!!!  I've been wondering the same thing Lefty, the parts are on the way for my PID project and have been debating whether to drop it in the vent or run it through the back...somebody smarter than I will have an answer!!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!

West Coast Kansan

Vent or Door is a preference on access.  I am wondering if anyone has tried one of these premade units? Experience has been?

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I was planning on mounting mine on the back of the unit as well untill I got to asking on this board and the majority of people told me to run it down the vent or door.  Also I got to thinking (which can be very scary as many past girlfriends would agree on) that the probe might pick up some of the heat off of the metal thru conduction, along with the air temp causing it to not be accurate.  And I like the fact that you have the ability to positin the probe up or down in your box which will allow for better heat controll near your food.  But thats just me thingking so take it for what it cost ya...nothing.
Smoke like your from Texas....use Mesquite


I see they now have (2) different PID's available on ebay now.  A programmable model, which was linked to above and also a non-programmable model for about $40 less. 

Here is a link to the cheaper non-programmable unit.


It does say in the description that this is a low introductory price only available for a limited time.


It looks like both links in this thread go to the same PID - both are $115 plus $16 for shipping.  I ordered one and will report back on how it works.
US Army, retired, x2
Soldotna Alaska
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
Psalm 109:8


OK now my radar is up, anyone use this yet? I am thinking about buying one to help maintain temp. in a narrower range.

Smoking Duck


If you are as electronically-challenged as I am and can't have anyone build one for you, I'd be looking into it.  I was lucky and had a good friend build one for me.  If he hadn't, this is what I probably would have turned to.  I'm so electrically challenged my wife has to remind me that the switch goes up when I want the lights on  ;)


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I will say this as for being electrically challenged I am more of a hazzard is some regards. If it is simple and straight forward I am ok, but if I have to gt my Fluke out and run down a drain or ope circuit I may be in trouble. However my biggest problem is time I have very little except when I set asside a day of pleasure to cook. Mainly the reason i bought my OBS cause i can set it and forget it. LOL

I wonder if I could run the TC from this ebay unit through the cabinet permanately and mount the PID to the side?