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Zorro update

Started by HCT, May 19, 2008, 10:18:51 AM

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This is hard to write because I've never been in this situation with any other dogs or cats that I've been blessed with in the past. We got back from the neurologist about an hour ago. The prognosis is scary and puts me between a rock and a hardplace. The doc wants Zorro to get an MRI, Spinal, Ultrasound on the stomach and a radiograph. She feels that Zorro has brain cancer or has suffered a stroke and is having problems with his liver, kidney or other organs. Treatable? Maybe. Do I want to put him through all this and still not know what treatment he'll have to go through and what his quality of life will be. Not to mention the cost of just going through this workup. As my daughter said, I still have 5 others. What to do, what to do. I don't like this. Sorry folks, just venting.
Forgot to mention that Z has to be put on anti-seizure meds also.
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


I have been there a couple of times in years gone by.  :'(   Hard decisions.  All I can recommend is consider everything, including what pain that Z will be in now and later,  and go with your gut.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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Mr Walleye

Yup... That's a tough decision to have to make. I agree with Wildcat, you really want to take the whole picture into account and go with you gut feelings.

I feel for ya HCT....


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Yeah, I know guys, but the gut feeling really sucks.
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


HCT I went thru the same thing a couple of years ago with my Lab.  Eventhough it wasnt a brain tumor it was a tumor.  After talking to the vet and him finding a knot on her spine I decided to put her down.  That was one of the hardest things ive done cuz I held her as he did it.  After she was "asleep" her kidneys released a large amount of urine thus the vet said that that ment her kidneys had shut down as well.  I guess where im goin with this is that while it broke my heart to put her down I truly feel that she didnt suffer anymore.  And now I know she is jumping in a big lake in the sky chassing birds which she loved to do.

I know this a hard thing for you HCT but what ever you decide to do will be the right decision.  Ill keep you and Zorro in my prayers!!
Smoke like your from Texas....use Mesquite


We'll keep y'all in our prayers.
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Probably one of the hardest decisions to make.  However, weigh your feelings against the quality of life Zorro will have.  It's never an easy decision and just because you have 5 others doesn't make it any easier.  I know in the past, I've had a hard time with it and fought making the decision based upon me wanting to hold onto the dog as long as I could.  With the last one, I really didn't want to let go.  But, as I watched her decline even worse, I felt an enormous amount of shame because I was making her suffer for my inability to let her go.  Now, I try to remember that I don't want to remember the dogs in their last days where they had a hard time walking, etc.  I want to remember them for what they truly are:  my friends.  I want all my memories to be of them coming back to the duck blind with that duck that I was sure they'd never retrieve and never asking for anything more than a pat on the head and a piece of jerky.

It's never easy but I'm sure when the time comes, you'll make the right decision.

My best goes out to you and Zorro,


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Quote from: Wildcat on May 19, 2008, 10:33:27 AM
I have been there a couple of times in years gone by.  :'(   Hard decisions.  All I can recommend is consider everything, including what pain that Z will be in now and later,  and go with your gut.

It is a tough decision.  Wildcat summed it up for me perfectly.  My lab made it to 14+, was a very hard decision when I had to make it :'(
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Thats a hard call to make HCT. They are family and you dont lke to see them like this.

I had to make the hard decision last year with my suzi.

I feel for you  :'(



My heart sinks HTC when I hear this happening to Zorro. I'll keep you guys in my prayers and wish for the best.


Nothing more that I could possibly add.  Have been in the same position.  It's very difficult.  All the best to Zorro and you.


Habanero Smoker

Sorry to hear this news. It has to be a difficult decision, one I would not like to make. You know Zorro the best, so what every decision you make, it will be the right one.


La Quinta

Had to make the same decision when I was in college HCT...I won't lie...it was awful...BUT...as difficult as it was...my little Yorkie was not really "living" anymore. Vets had a plan but couldn't really tell me if it "would work". Pets are a gift (to me anyway). They love you unconditionally and count on you to make the decision, in your heart, as to what is best. You will do what is best...my prayers are with you and Zorro.