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More Site Problems

Started by Habanero Smoker, May 26, 2008, 02:40:58 AM

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Habanero Smoker

I'm just checking to see if I am the only one getting this message:

Connection Problems

Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.

This occurs several time a session. Sometimes if I use the back button and try the link again it connects, if not the first time the the second. Other times I get kicked out, and have to log back in latter.



I'm also getting that message and bumped off the form. Also I'm not getting some pm's for a few hours.

They say home is where family is not......


I had this this AM and yesterday.
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


I had a similar problem yesterday. It only happened once.



I get it every so often when trying to post.
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


I too have had the same error, but seems to have just started late last week

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


Yeah, last weekend I got an error about the database being unavailable.  Since I'm several time zones away I assumed they took the DB down for a cold backup.  Hasn't happened since.

Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.


Ditto here, been getting that message a lot lately.  :(


Had it once yesterday and once the day before.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/

La Quinta


Never gotten it.  I'm assuming you guys all failed to pay the annual dues? :D :D :D :D :D


Habanero Smoker

Thanks for the replies. You don't know how much trouble shooting you've saved me from trying to figure out if it was on my end. :)


West Coast Sausage Maker

dont know what you guys are talkin about...... I guess I'll just reply to get my post rating  jacked higher.

How many do i need to be a non newbie anyways?
soylent green is people

La Quinta

Really TBS...don't worry about it!! :) Anybody can teach anybody something on this forum...whether Newbie or not!!


I know there are some "Newbies" on here that have more food knowledge than I.  Also, there are some "Senior Members" on here that have been members of the forum much longer than I.  That status only reflects how active on the forum you are.  Just enjoy and share as much as you can.  ;)
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/