The hits just keep on coming.

Started by Tiny Tim, July 15, 2008, 08:43:58 AM

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Tiny Tim

Yesterday afternoon, Dad was coming out of the house to come back to work when he tripped and fell down some steps into the driveway.  He called me on his cell phone to come help him up.  He couldn't use one arm, and there was no way I could pick him up, so luckily there were a couple of guys working across the street.  I hollered over to them to come over for a second.

Since we couldn't find a better way to help him up with his bad arm, one of the guys asked if it would be possible for him to come in from behind and under Dad's arms...kind of a reverse bear hug...and pick him up.  I thought no way, but he got in there, the other guy grabbed Dad's good arm, and I kinda reached around his back from the bad arm side.

Got him up and loaded into my truck for a nice speedy trip to the ER in the next town North....even passed a State Trooper (while going about 70) that had somebody stopped...good thing I had my Blue Light (fireman's) on and flashers too.

Anyway, Dad ended up needing about 10 stitches in his lower back on his right side and his left arm in a sling due to a slight fracture in the shoulder area.


Sorry to hear the news TT, I guess on the bright side it could have been alot worse, wishing your Dad a speedy recovery!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


Ouch! Sorry to hear that.

Best wishes for quick recovery.
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Dang TT... it is a good thing he has a son like you.

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Habanero Smoker

I'm also sorry to hear about your father's injury. Hope his injuries heal soon.


Tiny Tim

Got an appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon tomorrow to see if they'll have to operate or if just rehab will do (hoping for the latter).

After I posted this (the original post), a lady came in and told me she backed into my truck.  Luckily there was no damage....that I can find anyway.

edit:  By the way, thank you for the kind words so far.  I'll keep ya updated on his progress.  He actually came up for a couple of hours this afternoon, but it was hotter than hades here in the office and that wasn't helping anything so I took him back home.

Another 45 minutes and I'm blowin' this popsicle stand to make a liquor delivery, then maybe have an iced Captain and Pepsi when I get back home (delivery is in the next town over).

Mr Walleye

Ouch! Sorry to hear about your Dad Tiny.

Hope it's a speedy recovery for him.


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 Tiny Tim,
Sorry to hear that about your father.At least you have racing experience to get him to the hospital. Falls can be very dangerous even if your young. It sounds like your father is doing good of which I am glad for that. 

At least the woman was honest enough to tell that she hit your truck. You'll look back soon enough and the truck really wont matter.

  Hang in there Tim, Brad



Sorry to hear about your father's fall.  Hope is he doing well today.




Sorry about your father's accident. I hope his recovery is a speedy one.




Wish your dad a speedy recovery.  I hope all goes well for you and yours.


God has a sense of humor....  Don't believe me?  go to WalMart and just LOOK at people!


Best of luck to your dad Tiny. Thank goodness for people that aren't afraid to help out when needed.

Tiny Tim

Thanks for all the well wishes, guys.  Got a quick update for ya after seeing the Orthopedic Surgeon today.

Looking like Surgery is the better option...10-15 days til good mobility compared to 6 weeks in a sling then limited movement.  It's entirely up to him, but I'm on board with the surgery.

Last night when I got home, he apologized to me for not being able to stick it out for the afternoon yesterday.  I told him not to worry about it, we're not that busy right now and there's no sense both of us suffering here without the air conditioning.


Sorry to hear about your father's accident.  Sounds like you handled it extremely well.  If he opts for the surgery, I know he will do fine.



Tiny, give my best to your dad and I wish him the best on recovery.  Lets us know if he needs to go in for surgery and we'll add a few EXTRA prayers on top for him as well.
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