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Question for Olds (vacuum cleaner)

Started by projump, September 02, 2008, 09:23:19 AM

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Hey Olds,
     A company I do work for is needing a new vacuum cleaner. I saw a post one time about a vacuum you were talking highly about, but I can't remember the brand name. They want to stay in the 500-600 dollar range if thats possible for a commercial vacuum. They don't want one with all the gadgets, just the basic machine to vacuum the carpet.
   Your expertise would be helpful. Thanks, Craig    ;D
When there are visible vapors in ignited carbonaceous material, there you will find parts of an omnivorous ungulate from the suidae family of mammals.


Believe it or not I've been through the so-called best. No good now...most are made in sweat-shops. Man what I would give today for some Winsor Versamatics that were new and manufactured in 1999. Today the ones I've seen are not worth changing out the bag in.... what a shame.

However, we are now using a Fuller 14" that has been holding up real well. It has attachments. Now the original bush was a natural fiber bush that lasted less than a month. We changed over to nylon brushes.

If you would like I can get the unit at wholesale for you with a nylon brush. As far as bags go we found an after market bag 12 bags for around $5.00 that work great. 

Minus shipping charges... I think off the top of my head we can get you that unit with a nylon brush and a couple of sets of bags for around $195.00. I will have to check with Bob but I think that price should be in the ball park. (Bob and Carole own 20% of the business, and we set up a "distributorship" to get around retail pricing... which is a  B i t ch at times. A good example is my 30" units retail for $2,500.00. I pay $1,150.00.)

E-mail me  ra ye @r min or . com (no spaces) if your company is interested.

Just remember that vacuum cleaners today for the most part are not what they were 10 years ago.  Out of our current 14 Fuller units one has burnt a motor within the first 12 months The others are running good. That sure beat the H ell out of that last set of 495.00 units that we with through in the first 90 days. Our units run 4 to 6 hours per day 5 days per week.

Now if you work for this company, no need to send money up front. If they are a customer of yours I will be looking to you for any payment owed to me. If needed I can accept Visa.


EDIT: To members here. I'm not in the business of selling vacuum cleaners. However, I will help anyone and as with Craig I will offer an unit if wanted. Just remember that units today are not what they were yesterday. I have no control over that. So if you get a bad unit I will do what I can but I will not be held accountable for it....period.

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Thanks for the info. I'm not sure what they will get just yet.  What do you think of the Dyson vacuums? I tried out a Dyson ball at Lowes the other day and was pretty impressed with it.
When there are visible vapors in ignited carbonaceous material, there you will find parts of an omnivorous ungulate from the suidae family of mammals.


Quote from: projump on September 03, 2008, 11:14:50 AM
Thanks for the info. I'm not sure what they will get just yet.  What do you think of the Dyson vacuums? I tried out a Dyson ball at Lowes the other day and was pretty impressed with it.

Sorry but you could not give one of my employees a cyclonic vacuum cleaner--I tried. My wife did not believe me when I told her and several months back purchased one for the house.

That unit lasted about 1 month before she set it out at the road side. Why? She was emptying it outside when a slight breeze came a long. Poof can you say covered in dust? Next if you don't beak it all the way down the primary and secondary filters will begin to stink in no time. This is one nasty job.  Generally you can get by cleaning the primary, but the secondary filters have to be replace and they are not cheap.

Next the footprint is only 12".

The only cyclonic chambered units that we have that work well are HOST. They cost $2,600.00 and $4000.00 each. They are used for dry carpet cleaning.


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