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New Member - Haven't Bought Yet

Started by feinhorn, September 17, 2008, 05:30:39 PM

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Ok I know this has been said a 1000 times but it is between the WSM and the Bradley.  I am swayed much towards the Bradley so far.  Smoke ring means nothing to me as long as the product TASTES GOOD!!!  I have a few questions, 1. What is the advantage of the Stainless version other than looks? 2. Will the bradley last years if left outside, under a cover of course.  3. Does the OBS come with a cover?  Should I buy a digital or the original (is it worth the extra $$) or just invest in a PID eventually?  I am currently doing Weight Watchers (too much BBQ I guess) and would like to smoke mostly turkey, fish, chicken and maybe some pork, How is chicken and Turkey?  Skin doesn't matter because I would remove it anyway, please don't judge I am losing weight for health and family.



First...., and foremost, welcome to the forum.  I'm relatively new to the smoking world, but have found my DBS6 to be my favorite "kitchen" appliance. 

I would strongly suggest the Bradley.  I bought an off-brand from Dick's sporting goods about two years ago, and after my second smoke, the residue ate through the interior of the smoker.  Not much good if your new smoker is in the local landfill.

Secondly, I don't have any experience with the original, but I do know that even a newbie can smoke the heck out of foods with the digital variety.  I have not had a bad experience yet, and keep getting requests to smoke something else.

The folks here will keep you informed, pointed in the right direction, and laughing until you split.  There are no stupid questions, no unanswered questions, and lots of advice.  As far as your endeavours with WW..., if you choose the right foods, you will continue on the path to your own personal goals.  I've smoked pork loins, half chickens, and am about to embark upon salmon.  I'm sure that those will meet with the approval of WW.

Check this forum often, and my own personal advice is to go with the digital variety.  Stainless is nice, but I've not heard of anyone that has had a problem with a Bradley if they just keep it protected from the weather.

Again..., welcome to the forum :)

The Wood Doesn't talk back
Cabelas 80l Dehydator
All the Jerky Gadgets!!!


First of all, thanks for checking with us.  Don't want to sway your choice between the different  Bradley smokers.  It's a matter of personal choice.  I personally have a Bradley digital 4 rack.  It has been outside on a screened in porch for well over a year with 6 inches of blowing snow to 100+ degree heat with no ill effects.  Other posts reflect the same.  I would highly advise the cover.

Poultry is one of the best and most consistent things the Bradley can do in my opinion.  Your Weight Watcher friends are going to love you should you choose to share the goods out of your smoker.  Trust me, none of us on this forum will judge you for any health issues, just the opposite.  Want encouragement?  You came to the right place.  I personally am not familiar with the WSM.  However, I have owned about every kind of smoker there is, from little to HUGE.  The Bradley is the best, most consistent and easiest I have ever owned.  Besides, you get all of us!! :D

Let us know what you decide,



I havent bought a Bradley "yet" but plan to be ready to buy before the end of this year. Mainly because I am gearing up to move and rather wait until I move into my new place and get it.

However, I have been researching like a mad scientist over and over, living on the fourm here reading as much as I can.

Right now I use a bullet style H2O electric which at least allows me to smoke meats.

What I have learned from just reading and hard study is the many things a bradley can do that others can't.

Prefect cold smoking to a science, Cost effeciancy of using Pucks for auto-feed over loose wood chips/chunks or sawdust, ease of cleaning when done, easier to regulate your heat and smoke and apparently have a superb help line unmatched by other companies.

I heard otherts on amazon.com complain in reviews about having to be stuck with using pucks; however I like the idea for these reasons...

Most of your high dollar $$$ professional smokers like treager for example are auto feed and their style is using pellets to give a better, more controled and even smoke. Bradley does the same thing with pucks, but at a fraction of the cost, keeping people like us in mind. Not to mention, the pucks burn much cleaner unlike wood chunks with that bark on them. My bullet smokers is so gunked up with post smoke its not funny... after every smoke... whereas the pucks I am to understand are VERY clean burning.

The price of pucks are actually cheaper then loose wood in the long run, whereas not all the loose wood burns and just wasted money when the pucks uniformly burn. And you can easily mathematically calculate how many pucks per weight of meat for your smoke time. "I belive its one puck for every 20 minutes of smoke; versus a guess of how many handfuls of loose wood".

Also, do a search on pucks and you will find some of the members here actually are very creative doing the coolest things; such as make their own pucks. Nothing would be better then buying a used Jim Beam or Wild Turkey bourbon barrle, chop it up and make pucks out of them "I'm 100% Kentuckian" :)

I never in my life thought of cold smoking as I only seen hard core elaborate schematics for the set ups in sausage books. Take a look at some of the pictures posted in the cold smoking section sometime. That will be the second thing I do when I get my Bradley. Some of the members here have very simple, but ever so cool cold smoking set ups that now make it a reality to do with just a few simple modifications.

I also found out very quickly that Bradley has a very tight network of friends who are willing to go the extra mile to help others out, just like a family. How many other smoker companies can make a claim to that?

The smokers I narrowed down to get is the BDS4 being to my understanding the 6 rack can have alot of heat variance being the size it takes to fill. I have my father, uncle and best friend who I feed and all have big appetites, but I belive the 4 rack will be more then enough, being I do fine with my 2 rack bullet H2O now. I like the idea of the digital, but to be honest, I havent ruled out the original with a pid instead.

One thing I do plan is making a table to stand mine up on. But I figure that will also help with schematics for setting up a cold smoking setup.

Enjoy :)
Go here for all your smoke and grilling needs: http://www.yardandpool.com

Habanero Smoker

Hi feinhorn;

Welcome to the forum.

I can help you with a few questions.

The Bradley does not come with a cover or bisquettes, but many dealers offer packages and discounts if you buy all three together.

The OBS stainless steel I believe also has a stainless steel interior, therer is no other difference between that an the oringinal. I'm not sure about the digital that has a stainless steel door.

I've had mine for more then four years on an unprotected deck with just the cover. The only problem I've had was a cracked face plate that wasn't weather related.

Good luck with your choice.



Welcome to the forum feinhorn!  I have the original in stainless.  I bought the stainless primarily for looks.  If you are planning to eventually get a PID (which is a nice accessory), then from a cost savings advantage I would recommend the original.  The original works just fine without the PID.  You really can't go wrong with any of the Bradley's.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/


W E L C O M E  to the Forum feinhorn!

We originally purchased our OBS to make jerky, since that was the snack of choice on the low-carb diet we are on. Since then, We have made (in addition to a ton of jerky) pulled pork, beef brisket, beef pastrami, belly and Canadian bacon, smoked turkeys, chicken... you name it. All whilst the Mrs. and I have lost a significant amount of weight.

Our Bradley has not added to our waistlines.

:) :) :)
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


Welcome to the forum feinhorn!

Can't add to much to whats already be said!  I bought my OBS just this past spring because our county had been under a burn ban for many months.  I've used it every weekend since, and had I known about the BS I would have bought one along time ago!  You can't go wrong with whatever model you decide to go with.  Good luck and keep us posted!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


Ok I am sold, next question where do I get the best deal?  Amazon has it for 288.......I would rather support a small business if i can.  Ideas?  I believe I will get the OBS in black for my first.  Anyone have rust problems with the black one even while using a cover?


Quote from: feinhorn on September 18, 2008, 07:05:17 AM
Anyone have rust problems with the black one even while using a cover?

Mine is has been on my screened patio (in South Florida) under the cover for a year now. No problems yet.
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


Quote from: feinhorn on September 18, 2008, 07:05:17 AM
Ok I am sold, next question where do I get the best deal?  Amazon has it for 288.......I would rather support a small business if i can.  Ideas?  I believe I will get the OBS in black for my first.  Anyone have rust problems with the black one even while using a cover?

Check with Bryan at Yard and Pool, he's a member here and they have outstanding service!  I'm with FL mines be on the back porch with a cover most of its life, although I have since moved it inside of my well house...neither rain or snow I'm gonna be smoking!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


Bryan and Tiny Tim are dealers and both are members of this forum.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/


Yard and Pool Company

This is the place to purchase your Bradley Supplies. Just click on the image above.
Yard and Pool Company is a member of the Bradley Forums

I suggest the original Bradley with a PID controller. I have both SS and Standard finished models. They smoke the same.

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


welcome to the forum

go to  yard and pool there  great and have great  customer service as well as  being a  member on this forum, i wish i knew about yard and pool when i  boufht  mine .. would have  saved money... wait.. that  means extra pucks....  hehehe

yard and pool are  good to deal  with and well worth dealing with
any concerns..  just ask


La Quinta

Hey feinhorn...here is my take...the stainless means poopy other then the look...that being said...I have a black OBS that sits outside...covered by the Bradley cover only...and I live in a blowing sand desert that gets to say 110 degrees avg. in the summer. I cannot speak to the digital (as my ambient temps would not take likely to digital components)...but...that being said...I do have Bradley friends who love the digital...it really doesn't matter...you can get some really good product out of this smoker...chicken, (yum) turkey (yum)...fish...YUMMO...really easy to use and a "friendly" device...meaning...it doesn't take a lot of monitoring. Get a few accessories (but you don't really have to...until you get used to the unit)  and just experiment...have fun...You're gonna be really pleased at what you can make in this smoker!!

PS..love the Weight Watchers thing...you can get alot of flavor from smoke with NO calories!!!