
Started by Oldman, September 18, 2008, 11:35:08 PM

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I was just looking over the download and while the large images are in the image folder many of the "Click to Enlarge" images do not work. Now some do work.

Please see what is missing.

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Habanero Smoker

I'll take a look at mine. Something may have happened during the install program or transfer. I tested all links before sending, and they worked. I also install the recipes on my machine after using the install program and the links worked. I won't be home most of the day but I will look at it later this evening.

I just randomly checked several recipes and the click to enlarge has worked every time. Can you lead me to a few of the specific images that have a broken link?

Could it be your image viewer is not automatically opening the images?

I did have problems transferring the files through Outlook, that may have corrupted the image files. Can you manually open the images by double clicking on the file? After I get a chance to recheck the links, I'll send it to you again.

Hopefully other members will let us know if they are having the same problem; so we can zero in on the problem.


Habanero Smoker

Hi Olds

I just download the file from the site, installed it, and randomly tested several "click to enlarge images" and all the links I've tested worked. Later today I will see if it will run on my other machine.

I have to help my sister move today so I won't be home most of the day. I'll check back this evening. In the meantime could you send me sample list of some of the images that have failed links.

If others are reporting this problem, maybe you should remove it from the site until we get this problem resolved. There in nothing more frustrating then downloading a file that doesn't work.


Habanero Smoker

Hi Olds;

After downloading the files off the site, installing and checking all clickable image files; they all work and are linked correctly. Clicking the first file takes awhile, because my image viewer is Photo Paint, but once opened it runs fairly smoothly.

I did notice that occasionally clicking on an image won't open it the first time. I have to click some where else in the document, and then click on the image again; then it will open. But that may be the viewer or GSO notes itself.

The only problem I found was in the PID Controller note, the two non-clickable images are not aligned in the table correctly, and there is an extra 6 Terminal strip image.

To any Member who has down loaded the file, are you having any problems with any of the "click to enlarge" images (just a note; not all clickable files are labeled "click to enlarge" many thumbnail are not labeled. If you having any problems please let us know.



First of all, Thank You for working to get the GSO file updated and available for us.

I am able to get the first file with pictures, "My Aged Sirloin" to provide enlargements but no others.  I didn't check every recipe, but did check over a dozen that had pictures and quite a few of them were listed as click to enlarge.

171 picture objects were downloaded into the image file so that should be good.
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Habanero Smoker


Thanks for the feed back. Prior to your feed back I had no information to go on. Now I know there's a problem that exist for more then one user, and now have somewhere to begin searching to fix the problem. Now I just have to figure out what is wrong. Everything is working fine on my machine. For the newer recipes I used either Photo Shop CS, or Photo Paint X4 to resample the the images. You are familiar with image files; could either of these program have changed it to a jpg format to one that is not recognizable with older programs. I was careful to select jpg, and not the other jpg formats.

What program are you using to view the image files? Can the image files be open manually by going to the folder and double clicking on the file? This will help me figure out if it is the file format or the GSO program. I'm going to switch to another program to view the images, to see if one of my older programs can open the files. Also I'll try it on another machine.

Although there are several images that are labeled "click to enlarge", there are just as many that are not labeled. The images for the Circulation Fan, and BBQ Guru Review cannot be enlarged.

Thanks for any additional feed back you may be able to provide. The more information you or other users can provide will be helpful in resolving this problem quickly. Also if you can give me a small sample list of which images enlarge and which don't would be helpful, may 3 or 4 each that work and don't work. This will help me narrow it down whether it is just the files that I resampled, or does it involve the older files as well.

Thanks again for your feed back.

I loaded it on my other machine, and I am now having the problem you described. I no longer need a list of files. I can manually open the files in Window's file viewer. Now I have to figure out why it works on one machine and not the other.


I suggest you pull the file off the site until we can figure out what the problem(s) are.


Habanero Smoker


Thanks again for your input. It gave me a starting point, and I found out what the problem is. GSO Notes is a good data base program, but when you link it to a folder; in this case image folder, it does not look in the directory GSO Reader is installed on your computer, it goes to the specific folder you link it to.

In this case I had the program installed on both drive C: and D:, drive D: was my work drive and drive C: was my backup. So while I am working on drive D: those images are linked to a folder located at D:\Program Files\GoldenSection Reader\Images\, while the original images were directed to C:\Program Files\GoldenSection Reader\Images\. Since I had both folders all images were enlarging. When I remove the image folder on C: the original images do not work, but the ones on drive D: did work; the same occurred when I removed the folder on D: and left the folder on C: and only the original images would display. So I just have to go through each image and make sure that it is linked to C:\Program Files\GoldenSection Reader\Images\.

So on your machine you must have installed in the default directory, and it is only displaying the images that have links to C:\Program Files\GoldenSection Reader\Images\. If it was installed on D:\Program Files\GoldenSection Reader\Images\ it would only display the images linked to D:.


This means if anyone does not install in the default directory, none of the images will be clickable. Maybe you should add that additional information.

I should have the links corrected by Sunday evening.




What is interesting is many of the images that do not enlarge did enlarge in the original download I created.....


This means if anyone does not install in the default directory, none of the images will be clickable. Maybe you should add that additional information.
I do state that the downloads should be left to default.

I will put a stop do not use until you fix the problem.

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: Oldman on September 20, 2008, 05:28:22 AM

What is interesting is many of the images that do not enlarge did enlarge in the original download I created.....

That not what I get. I'm finding a few of the originals don't enlarge, because I had change the link do to so issue with the original file.

Use your GS Note program, right click an an original image such as in Aged Beef the click properties, and one that I have added, you will see the difference in the directories.

I do state that the downloads should be left to default.

I will put a stop do not use until you fix the problem.

That statement only suggest it is easier to do it that way. It fails to state what would happen if you do not install in the default.



I did use the default as you stated, only one drive on the laptop.  I had installed the original when Olds first made it available and just did the simple install.  Since you had been working on all the updates, a month or so ago I D/L the data again but didn't realize at the time the GSO file was a manual update.  I was glad to see that you were updating the file.  I wasn't able to look at any links within GSO Reader so I couldn't see how the files were linked.  I also just used the Windows Preview app to look at the image files.  All that I checked were good sized, most running 640x480.  I don't have any real photo editing apps on the laptop.  Have Photoshop 7 and I think Paintshop Pro on the old PC, CS on the video editing system (Wintel) and CS3 on the MAC video editing system. 
Click here for our time proven and tested recipes - http://www.susanminor.org/

Habanero Smoker

Hi Gizmo;

Thanks again. Your reply save me mucho time, and hopefully I identified the problem. I hope this new version works on all machines and not just mine. :)

I originally thought the data base was updated automatically. I did the same as you, I downloaded the original several months ago and made the same discovery you did.

The GSO Reader will not display the link, you need GSO Notes (the data base editor) to see them and edit them.


As far as I know the file is now corrected, and all bad links are good; at least on my machine. I made sure that I deleted all other Image folders on my machine except the one in C:\Program Files\GoldenSection Reader\Images.

So I am fairly confident it is corrected. The previous file was also running smoothly on my machine, so I would suggest you check this version out first before posting. The new version is named Recipes_v2a.exe. On the first text screen of the install program I added information about the "click to enlarge" links not working if the program is not installed in the default directory; but I'm not sure how many users read these screens. I will be sending it after I log out.



Ok... I will change over to the drive that has the raye addy.

I will totally uninstall everything and run the new one.

EDIT: I have not recieved it in my raye E-mail yet.
I bet you will have to change over the exe. to .bak again so I can get it.

Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 

Habanero Smoker

I'll send it again, and change the extension to bak.



Ok uploaded and all is good to go. I also added a warning about the default install.

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Habanero Smoker

Hi Olds;

Thanks for getting that completed so soon.

I'll never make that mistake again. But you know software; the next time it will probably be another issue.
