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Newbie needs help with butt (pork that is)

Started by irishteabear, September 21, 2008, 10:12:57 AM

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So far I've been a lurker and I've learned alot.  I'm not sure if this would work, so I figured I'd pick your brains and see what you helpful folks say. 

I've got a digital, 4 rack, Bradley smoker and so far I've done ribs (awesome), corn (not bad) and salmon (my kids called it a plate licker).  Now I've decided to move up to a pork butt for pulled pork.  It's a little over 8 lbs and I've just put it in to smoke (around noon), using hickory.  My rub is one I've used quite a few times before so I know that it tastes great.  Now my question.  I'm planning on smoking it for about 4 hours.  After I've done that, I'm planning on taking it out of the smoker and using my crockpot on low to finish it off.  I don't want to leave the smoker running outside at night, we get critters around here that are black and white if you know what I mean.  It would be a low and slow method of finishing it off and when it's done I would WTC it for a while and then put it in the fridge until dinner time tomorrow night.

Can anyone see any problems with my plans?  My other option is to put it in the fridge once it's smoked and then finish it in the Bradley tomorrrow.

Mr Walleye

Hi ITB and welcome to the forum.

I don't see anything wrong with your plan at all. I usually use 4 hours of hickory on my butts too. I usually finish completely in the Bradley without boating or any foil. The only thing that's a little bit unknown is what temp your slow cooker runs on low. I would use a temp prob in the meat to monitor the IT of it.

I'd bet it turns out to be another "plate Licker"!  ;)


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 First off welcome to the bradley family.
What you are asking should work. I did 8 pork shoulders on 1 week end smoke. what I did was smoked for 4hrs then put them in a electric roaster set at 230deg to finish cooking to Interanal tep. of 190deg.That way I could keep on smoking When all was cooking I had 3 roasters and the Bradley full. I was told alot that it was the best pork ever at the wedding.
You might need to add some apple juice to the bottom of your crockpot. and be prepared for great aroma through out your house.


Thanks for the welcome. 

Which option would you recommend, though?  The smoke, fridge, then finish cooking tomorrow or finish all today, then reheat tomorrow?  I've already made a mop to add in with the pork once it's put in the crockpot.  I think I'm leaning towards the second option.  A friend told me it's even better the next day.  He's the one who got me started on this.  I think he's had a bradley for a couple of years now.

My house smells awesome already ;D due to the fact that the smoker is out on our deck and we've got the doors open today. 

My neighbor keeps on threatening to come over with his plate at dinnertime every time I use it.   :D



i have smoked 10 lbs of tri tip and cooked in the bradley till a IT if 140 .. then the next  day  cooked it in a  crock pot till dinner on low.. it was fall apart tender as well as delicious..

I dont  see a problem with what you are  doing

go for it and enjoy



I think for convenience sake that I'll finish smoking the pork and then put it in the fridge for the rest of today.  When I get up at 6 am tomorrow I'll throw it in the crockpot with the mop and let 'er rip till dinner time. 

Would it be overcooked by then?  I do have a probe I can use.  I've never cooked this big of a piece of meat in the crockpot but I do know that the meat falls apart when it's done and things can overcook in them, lol.


Welcome to the forum ITB!

I am by no means a pork guru....but I like your plan of finishing in the crockpot on low!  I'd be willing to bet you'll have some serious tender meat come dinner time!  And the other pork gurus have spoken!  ;D
I would have used mesquite, they make me say that!   ;D  Good luck, can't wait to hear the outcome!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


Thanks, westexasmoker.  My next project will be a brisket and I'm going to be using mequite for that, lol.  Probably won't be for a couple of weeks tho, out of town next weekend for a wedding.

I will definitely let you all know how the pork turns out tomorrow after dinner.

Smokin Soon

Welcome to the forum Irish, I have used the crock pot only once for pork butts and it was a winner. I was doing a load of 3 butts and the 2 small ones finished, but I needed to get some other stuff in the smoker. I crammed the smaller ones into a big oval crockpot with some drippings and some apple juice. You are on the right track I think.


W E L C O M E  to the Forum irishteabear!

Either method would work, I would probably cook then reheat..
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Thank you for the welcome everyone.  I knew this was the place to go for help.

It's 6:20 am here and my house smells yummy.  I put the pork in the crockpot and cranked it on high.  In about an hour I will turn it down to low and let it cook until about lunch when I'll check the IT. 

One of my next questions is to sauce or not to sauce for serving?  Do you serve it dry with a sauce on the side or do you sauce and then serve?

The other question is what do you serve with it?  I'm the only cole slaw eater here, so that's not really an option.


Welcome to the forum.

I recomend serving it with any sauce selection on the side.  Some folks like sauce and some don't.  Likewise, some like sweet, some like hot, etc.

Almost anything goes with pork.  Perhaps some baked beans and new potatoes.  You can also apply smoke to both of these.
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I would recommend serving the sauce on the side. also serve with or without buns give the guests or the  family their choice. Anything you would serve at a picnic is what I would serve.
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Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Ok, it's noon, the IT is reading 205 in 3 different places, and the bone came out the second I touched it. 

Now, do I WTC for a while, put it in the fridge or turn the crockpot to keep warm until about 5 tonight?  My concern is keeping it at a safe temp, don't need food poisoning.


Quote from: irishteabear on September 22, 2008, 09:01:45 AM
Ok, it's noon, the IT is reading 205 in 3 different places, and the bone came out the second I touched it. 

Now, do I WTC for a while, put it in the fridge or turn the crockpot to keep warm until about 5 tonight?  My concern is keeping it at a safe temp, don't need food poisoning.

Myself I would take it out of the crock and pull the butt then put it back in the crock at warm. (Light Cotton gloves inside a pair of rubber gloves helps with the burnt fingers) If the meat looks like it might be drying out mix it up again. If it still looks dry try adding a splash of apple juice.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!