Italian theme potluck

Started by imajesusgeek, September 23, 2008, 10:44:37 PM

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Hey guys,

working is having a Italian themed potlock and trying to think of something I can smoke for it.  Any suggestions?  Of course it doesn't have to be strict italian but couldn't think of anything that would be considered Italian that was smoked.



I've made this and it is excellent!!!  I didn't cold smoke the last batch but will the next one.

Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.


Tiramisu for desert. I am making one this weekend. There are many recipes on the web if you do a search. Here is one of many links. 



How about making some smoked Italian meatballs.
They can be mixed into a lot of different types of italian dishes.
Click here for our time proven and tested recipes -

La Quinta

I was thinkin braciola...smoke the thinly sliced beef...BRIEFLY...then roll and stuff...tie...cook in tomato sauce...may be quite nice? Kinda a lot of work...but...what the hell huh?  :)


Where do I start?!

First, I think you can call it "Italian Style" if it has plenty of garlic, rosemary, sage, olive oil, and salt/pepper.

I don't know of too many Italian recipes that call for what we think of as "low and slow" cooking, but smoking was used as a preservative means. 

If you're looking to add a smoke component to a dish, maybe you might want to cold smoke your meat/fish/chicken for a brief period and then finish up the dish as called for in the recipe. 

Good luck!


Ah a nice tuscan pork loin

Gotta a pesto loin coming up the italian taste!  and dang I'm from texas...go figure!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!

Smokin Soon

Ya might just try some spicy Italian Sausage with the smoke of your choice and a quick finish on the grill. I have impressed a few Italian friends with this, I guess they dont do that to much. Served on a roll with some grilled-smoked onions, mixed with some tasty spaghetti sauce, [I like all the Paul Newmens stuff]. Have some fresh ground Parmisian availible and you will have a crowd pleaser! The sausage links I have been using are from Costco. Might be Evergood, not sure.