Thanks Guys!

Started by JohniusMaximus, October 08, 2008, 05:37:10 PM

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It all turned out perfectly. ;D


Looks great!  Nice color!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!

Smokin Soon

I'm salivating a little too much on the pic, I did not catch your previous posts. Buckboard or belly?


Pork butt.  I searched high and low for a pork belly to use but never could find one or find anyone to order me some.


Now that's what I'm talking about!!  Told you it would turn out great.  I agree about the color, looks really really good.  No stopping you now. :D


Smokin Soon

Great job, John. Buckboard or Hillbilly Bacon when you have the right cut of pork is the best! What chunk of meat did you buy to start out with?


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 Aloha everyone...

I know this is off the subject, but can anyone tell me how long a "pellicle" forms on the salmon before smoking and is it formed skin side up or red meat up ??? ??? ???? I have never smoked a salmon and my friend gave me some salmon..."dont ask me what kind it smell like salmon, its red, its feels like salmon.... I have about 20 lbs ans I want to Hot Smoke it! I have the recipe from our web site. This is a first for Hawaii Salmon (fresh) is hard to get and very very expensive. Sooooooooooooo..Help this Hawaiian smoke a better fish...and not screw it up.  I want to smoke the fish today if I can or have time.  (it is brined) 

Aloha and mahalo in advance

Kamano  (if you want to email me its [email protected]


It forms on the meat side.  Length of time will vary depending on how much moisture is on the surface and how much rises to the surface during the drying.  It also depends on if you are allowing it to form in the fridge or if you have it out on the counter with a fan blowing on it.  With all the variables, if you can say there is an average time, I would guess a couple hours (for the fan).  I have not processed a lot myself and have not really paid attention to the timing.  Like smoking, it is ready when it is ready.  I usually use a fan.  There will be others along that have more experience and might be able to give a better time for you.
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looks  good ...delicious as welll


Its pretty cool here in the mountains of Hawaii ( the island of Hawaii ...we call it the wet side). I live in a wet forrest 3 miles from the Volcano that is still flowing. Im at about 4000 ft and its about 70 deg now. It is quite humid here and stays that way. I have the fish on the counter with a small fan blowing on I believe that it should form in a couple of hours.  (hopefully)

Aloha Nui Loa e Malama Pono (thanks a lot and be safe)



Aloha.  You are looking for a very sticky surface on the red side of the salmon.  That will help the smoke adhere to the salmon.  If you're using a fan, 2-3 hours will most likely get you where you want to be.



Mahalo for the info...I had a fan on the salmon for approx 3 hrs and it seemed to me to have a tacky surface...(How tacky? Not as much as I thought it should have) I get a little paranoid leaving fish out too long.  I eat a lot of fresh fish raw but it scares me to eat fish I havent caught...I have it in the smoker now and will update..I read somewhere on the posts here that you really cant screw up salmon too much..hmmmmm Just leave it to this Hawaiian...



It sounds like you had it.  I would describe what I have seen as a dry surface that is just a bit tacky.
You should be enjoying some good chow by now.
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Aloha everyone

Mahalo for all the advice for smoking turned out to be fantastic!!! I dont know how to post a picture so, if someone directs me how to post a pic I will send one as soon as I am educated.

Mahalo and aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii
Kamano ::) :P