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How bad can the economy get?

Started by Smokin Soon, November 02, 2008, 11:03:35 PM

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Smokin Soon

I am sure there are many people in my situation, but I was just laid off from job I have been for over 30 years. Was not expecting anything, so it was a total shock.
I was curious about what other forum members think when this will take a turn. I really dont think the coming election will make a diff either way, but thats just my thought.

For now, It's just Pork Butt and Chicken.....That's my favs anyway!


Hi SS, i'm very sorry to hear of you losing your job, and i hope you get fixed up with something asap  ;)
I think it's difficult to tell or predict what's gonna happen in the near future, i think globaly we're entering into a situation that's not been experienced before? I think the extent of what's happening now will be more obvious around april/may of next year?

I was talking to somebody about it on saturday, and we were wondering if all the banks went bust, who would we pay our mortgages to? and i suppose the answer is the government, as the now have a stake in some banks, well at least in the u.k and u.s. anyway ::)

Think we just have to hope that the storm won't be too big

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Habanero Smoker

I just want to express how sorry I am to hear about your situation. This is a very bad time of year to be laid off. I hope your situation turns for the better soon.



Sorry to hear bout your situation SS. I don't think it's gonna get better any time soon. Not with the feds printing monopoly money, nothing to back it up. I think these sob's should be jailed. Start buying gold and silver, if ya can find it.
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


I'm very sorry to hear about your plight SS.  Same thing happened to me four years ago and it is one big shock.  Best of luck on finding something soon.

Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.


Just like to express how sorry I was to hear of your plight as well, best wishes for finding something else soon and an upward turn in your fortunes.


Best of luck. I know the feeling. Worked for one company 29 years which was making money and they sold out. The new owners while saying it was their intent to expand, closed the doors with absolutely no notice and sold off the assets and made themselves a huge profit. On Friday when they passed out the payroll, we were told not to return on Monday. They never did pay me the five weeks vacation I still had coming.

I was immediately offered and accepted another position and three years later the owner was arrested for money laundering and something called RICO Act charges. Again the door closed.

It was a struggle to find compareable employment at my age and was rather scarey but everything fell into place and even though I initally backed up a bit in salary, three years later I am back to where I should be.

Keep the faith Brother!



Sorry to hear.. I  Believe it is not your fault .. its the  economy, In the last 18 months I have been in a few Home Depots where I was the only  customer.. and I am a Contractor and business is slow  for me as well.

I hope that you find work soon. Just a  thought is  take some  time for yourself... maybe  two weeks or a  month .. spend it with your family  then start looking for work  again,

as for a few places to  look for work online is 

you  can locate  local work on both as well as by catagory

good luck, best wishes and my  prayers are  with you


SS I feel your pain same thing happened to me 5 yrs ago. 10yrs in and on Wed they told us we was done on Fri. Don't look at it as a bad thing. You hated going to work there anyhow. You said it more than once. So NOW that you have been forced out, you have the opportunity to move forward and find a better job for yourself. I know it looks good on paper BUT thats the way I looked at it and now I'm making $7 more an hour than what I was making. I wish you all the best in your endevers!!
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Sorry to hear SS, my wife was laid off from her company last year after 20+ years with them, it was quite the wake up call.  It took awhile, but she found another job that she enjoys more than her old one!  Hang in there, it'll get better!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


30 years and laid off!  Wow - sorry to hear that.  Hang tough.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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Smokin Soon

I kind of felt guilty about posting about my employment problem, but after the support and well-wishes I have got from all of you makes me glad I did. Thanks to all of you!


Quote from: Smokin Soon on November 03, 2008, 03:24:53 PM
I kind of felt guilty about posting about my employment problem, but after the support and well-wishes I have got from all of you makes me glad I did. Thanks to all of you!
Dont feel bad SS. You did nothing wrong.

I was injured from a welding job of 15+ years. I could have been easily offered another job that compensated for my injury. Instead, they used it as an oppertunity to let me go. Being I am not trained for anything else, I had no choice but to go on disability. Personally though, I would, and still wish I was offered another job that compensated for my injury: desk, paint dept etc... because I found my hobby was climbing thee walls at home.

I truely wish you all the best and for what its worth; I hope maybe this can turn into a good thing and maybe find a new job you like even better that pays better, but didn't see before.

Prayers are with you my friend. :)
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I am truly sorry to learn of your misfortune.  I wish your family and you the very best.  I have been in the banking industry for 36 years in Western Kentucky(hello Stargazer!).  The majority of those years have been in the lending field.  I can honestly tell you I have never experienced this type of economic condition in all of my years in banking.  One thing I feel I need to point out is that the media has done an incredible job of taking a very bad situation and making it almost unbearable.  98.4% of all of the banks in the US are well capitalized and in no danger of collapse and your deposits are for the most part safe.  Want to know why the US automakers were off 30% in October?  It's not because the banks won't make car loans or house loans.  It's because the media has told the public that the banks won't loan money so no one is shopping for cars or houses or anything.  I believe that a lot of the media reporting is politically motivated and after today's election don't be surprised to start reading and hearing that the economy is beginning to turn around albeit a slow process.

The price of oil has fallen dramatically to a more tolerable level, not great but more tolerable.  All of these things will begin to stimulate the economy but it will take time. 

In the meantime SS, I know this isn't helping you one bit but I am hopeful that once the election is behind us that we may begin to see the economic environment improve after the first of the year.



I feel your pain!!  I went through a buyout myself I was the DM for 10 autopart stores.  They told everyone we would have jobs not to worry.(Frustrating because I had job offers but I stayed thought I would show my dedication)  After helping the new company transition everything to their ways I was demoted to a salesman.  I took it in stride and went about my work, about 4 months later I was let go because sales were down and I was not making my sales numbers.  In this economy who is!!!  The company has eliminated all of the upper management that was involed in the originally company.. After talking to many people I hear this is very common for a large company to do when buying other companies...use you fo awhile and then get rid of you.  I now have been unemployed for 4 months.  Things are tough, keep your chin up and keep a positive attitude..it is not easy... some days are rough. 

I try to look at it as a time to get caught up on the honey-do list and work on projects I never thought I would ever have time for...my garage has never been so organized before!!! I also had time to build a PID, cure bacon make ribs and bought some meat today to make jerky...never used the Bradley so much before.

I apologize if I am "stepping on your toes" by bring up my situation in your thread.  My intention is to let you know you are not the only one out there and we will get through this!!  I hope this helps
