Thanks to Yard&Pool :)

Started by Stargazer, November 18, 2008, 11:25:09 AM

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Gearing up to buy my Bradley next month when I move, I ordered the Maverick thermometer 'from all the members here talking highly about it' so I can use it for my thanksgiving ham in my current bullet smoker. I placed my order over the phone and had a great talk with Brian at Yard and Pool, letting him know I wish to purchase my Bradley and accessories from them next month. This was another I felt comfortable with, doing my business with someone who the forum members talk highly about.

All I can say is Wow, Yard & Pool has my future business.

Reason for posting this in the OBS section: I was at a toss up with the DBS4 and OBS. Brian was very informative, taken time to explain the differances and to be honest, I am happily sold on the OBS. This really helped alot, and can't wait until next month to order this from Yard & Pool :D

Thanks a million :)

...hardest part is waiting until next month  ::)
Go here for all your smoke and grilling needs:



you  will be very  happy with it  once you receive it... we  all  understand that we  have a  life and needs to take care of ... good  luck and happy  smoking


Thanks Beefmann :)

Im so excited right now I can hardly sit still. I have known I wanted a Bradley for a while, and now after talking with Brian at Y&P I have a friendly, well educated vendor for my smoking needs.

The bullet smoker I currently have atm at least smokes, but living here on the forum I already have plans to make a cold smoker. 'make my own cheese :D '.

I have known I would be moving for a few months and figure it would be more benifical to wait and break in my Bradley at the new place rather then pack it across town.

I still been trying recipes from the members here posting, that I can with this bullet smoker, but I refuse to do beef brisket until I get my Bradley. As much as I love my pork, Im seriously thinking of doing a beef Brisket for my first meal in the OBS. I kind of regret doing ham in this current smoker being there is no way to hang it.

But I do have to say, one of the favorite regular things I now smoke for me, my father and uncle are the pork loins posted here on the forum. Ill marinate them in apple juice, then rub them down with dark brown sugar and alittle chili poweder, and smoke over apple wood. But can't control the smoke at all like you can with a Bradley. I'm alittle embaressed taking pictures of it in my bullet smoker so Ill wait until my OBS to start posting them :D

Thanks everyone :)
Go here for all your smoke and grilling needs:


very cool Star and smart move ... brian at yard and pool is very  good and help full as well .. you  wont be disapointed  with his services or products

Smoking Duck

You'll never go wrong in dealing with Brian at Yard and Pool.  He'll always go the extra mile.


Steeler....she's a keeper!

Who doesn't love lab puppies?

Click here for my blog: La Cosa Smokestra


I am curious please, I read that the OBS in Black is aluminum inside and the SS OBS is SS inside. First question, is this true, and secondly, if so, has anyone noticed the SS OBS to be more insulated at all?

Just minor questions because I know any Bradley will be superior. Its just after the talk with Brian, I have definatly pin pointed the OBS, and just asking silly questions before my purchase next month. I'm getting way to excited I guess  :-\
Go here for all your smoke and grilling needs:

Mr Walleye


Your right about Bryan at Yard & Pool. I've bought a number of things from him and he is great to deal with.

The inside of the OBS is aluminum. The DBS and the SS units are lined with stainless steel. I would dought if the insulation is any different in any of them. I recently built a larger smoker using a Bradley generator for smoke and it is also all aluminum inside and out. Lots of happy folkd here with the OBS.

Good luck and keep us posted!


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


It's a great feeling to be able to do business with someone you feel you can trust. You just can't find that around anymore. Enjoy your new Bradley.
Way to go Brian, you're always in my sites. ;) :D
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


Bryan and the Yard and Pool staff are top shelf  ;D  ;D



Thank you for the kind words everyone. We really appreciate the business. As I have stated before, this forum has been a big part of helping our business grow and we want to do our best to provide everyone with the service you deserve.

This is one of the only forums I belong to that really feels more like a group of friends then just random people posting ideas.

Michael, it was great talking to you today. Your Maverick went out yesterday and you should have it tomorrow.

Thanks again everyone!

Bryan, George and Jack


Sorry if this is a repeat post but for some reason the last fews days my posts have been getting marked as spam and not being posted to the board.

Thank you for the kind words everyone. We really appreciate the business. As I have stated before, this forum has been a big part of helping our business grow and we want to do our best to provide everyone with the service you deserve. We owe a lot to all the members.

Michael, it was great talking to you the other day. Thank you for the order!

Thanks again everyone!

Bryan, George and Jack

La Quinta

Gotta tell ya Stargazer...I love Uncle Jed!!!  ;D

Get a matter what'll be happy..

I gave my bullet smoker away when I got the Bradley...took me a while to let go of that red was like a problem in the family!!! Hard to part with...the no temp control on the bullet hooked me into a Bradley...!!! Had to have an OBS...You can easily moderate the temp changes with some relatively easy additives...

Good luck with your move and you will kick butt  ;)  ;) with your food!!!  :)