Me again....Turkey this time :-)

Started by Crimson Ghost, November 25, 2008, 02:21:52 PM

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Crimson Ghost

OK, its time to do the turkey - need advice.

First, do I really need to brine it ? 

I have a 19 pound whole turkey, from what I read searching past posts I have the following:

4 hours apple smoke
225 degrees

I am not able to calculate how long it will cook for tho ?  I am guessing 12 hours, any suggestions on this ? 

Tomorrow I am going to cold smoke a 19 pounder and deep fry the bugger Thursday  :-)  I'll take suggestions on this as well if you have any !!  thank you !!!! ;D 



you  can figure 1 hr 15 mins to 1 hr 30 mins per lb ... so total time  would be 24 to 29 hours estimated... hope this helps

Smoking Duck

Hi Crimson,

This is just me talking but if it were mine and it had not been previously injected, I would brine it.  Habs is really the expert on this, so I'll defer to his advice.

Good luck,


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I'm not saying you have to brine it, but I have had juicier birds since I started brining.

I get a fresh bird, not frozen, brine 12 hours, dry 8, 4 hours of smoke, cook to 160-162F in thigh. Rest. Carve.

Mine is going in the brine tomorrow 0800, out of brine @ 2000. @ 0400 - Into the 225F smoker for 4 hours of Hickory... Going to Mom's w/kids around 1200 with bird in FTC. We are not big into the skin.
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If you are not concerned about the skin, then brine or no brine, you will have some great Turkey. I have done it both ways and I do not brine anymore. After 4 hours of beautiful apple smoke finish it any way you like. Pulled at the right temp, you cant fail. Enjoy!
Sometimes when people know just how much salt goes into a brine they freak.


who said I tell them I brine. Trade secrets....

;D ;D ;D
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Habanero Smoker

As FLB states its your choice. Brining a bird that is not a self-basting bird with make make it more moist. Most turkeys are injected with a brine solution during processing, these bird will not benefit from additional brining. So check the labels. This is also true for kosher birds.

I'm not one on giving times, but for whole poultry your time frame is close if not over estimated. A lot depend on how fast the smoker recovers and gets to 225°F. Having the bird sit at room temperature for about an hour prior to placing it in the smoker helps.


Crimson Ghost

OK, I'll brine it because it's a fresh bird and would not be previously injected.

Beefman - at what temp are you referring ?  is that  1 & 1/2 hour per pound at 225 ?  27 hours is a long time to cook a bird.

Crimson Ghost

Oh, when you guys brine a bird - what do you put it in that fits in the fridge ? 

I guess I will brine with salt, sugar & honey -- unless you guys advise otherwise.  I am going to bo back to the butcher and buy a smaller bird, I guess 12 pounds so I can lessen the cook time.  I'll do that this morning and get it brine it, how long will it need to brine for again?


I brine in a cooler.

# 1 gallon hot water
# 1 pound kosher salt
# 2 quarts vegetable broth
# 1 pound honey
# 1 (7-pound) bag of ice

Combine the hot water and the salt in a 54-quart cooler. Stir until the salt dissolves. Stir in the vegetable broth and the honey. Add the ice and stir. Place the turkey in the brine, breast side up, and cover with cooler lid.. Brine overnight, up to 12 hours.
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1 hr 15 mins to 1 hr 30 mins at 220 box temp for turkey

Crimson Ghost

Ok, I am going to use your brine it today - I am going to use plastic bags and stick it in the refrigerator.  I went back to my butcher and picked up an 11 pound bird, so at 220 this should go for about 14-15 hours ?

Crimson Ghost

OK, its 11.5 pounds (now i have 5 turkeys to cook tomorrow)   ;D

I am making brine now - salt & honey.  I am going to bring it from now (lets say 10 am) until 10 pm - I'll let it sit for a couple hours until its time to start cooking.  I am planning on 220 with 4 hours of apple to start.  I am eating at 3pm tomorrow so I wll start smoking at midnight this evening, that will give it 15 hours to cook.  Is this correct ?


When I brine a turkey, I brine it in the roasting bags you can buy at the grocery.  Double bag in case of a pinhole in the bag.  In any event, I would not use a trash bag at all!!

There is another alternative to cooking in the Bradley the entire time.  Apply the smoke in the Bradley and then if the wife will let you bring the turkey in and finish in your house oven.  You can set the oven to normal turkey roasting temps and finish it much quicker, plus your house will smell fantastic.

Let us all know how it goes and Happy Thanksgiving!

Crimson Ghost

I used the two bags that the turkey came in from the butcher, right now its in the brine.

I'll use the bradley the entire time - I do have a roaster I could use (the oven will be in use all day, I have a 26 pound turkey for the oven).  I am setting up my Bradley now to cold smoke a turkey for deep frying tomorrow.

I'll keep you all posted.  I think I had bad math earlier - I am planning on 1.5 hours per pound which is what Beefmann suggested.  15 hours still seems like a long time for an 11 pund bird...but that will be the plan.