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"Switcher"/New OBS Owner

Started by JNB, November 29, 2008, 07:55:26 AM

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Hey all,

New to the forums, been browsing with great interest (and a lot of bookmarking!).

After about 20 years with a New Braunfels Hondo offset barrel type grill/smoker, I decided to make the jump to a Bradley (which, quite honestly, I've been Jonesing for one for about five years now).

My meat, poultry, and fish are pretty well-received (the guys at the local fire station used to "respond" to my old place whenever the billowing cloud was seen & smelt.  Cheeky!).  My skills are great, but there's been some limits to what I can do given my time and resources.  Not only that, I'm of an age where moving from a stick to an automatic ain't such a bad thing.

I'll keep the NB, but I have always had some "issues" with it:

  • Too much babysitting (though that's not necessarily all bad)
  • Too much tweaking the airflow/temps
  • Limited woods (Mesquite & Hickory are great, but that's about all we have in abundance here in AZ)
  • No true cold smoking ability (Cheese & Lox are out  :'()
  • PITA to gauge the proper times/quantities of smoking vs. cooking.

So, after all this time hemming & hawing, I ordered an OBS from Amazon, along with the 60-biscuit sampler, a cover, and some bubba pucks from Yard & Pool.  By next weekend, I should have it all in my hot little hands.  It's only the beginning, I know! More biscuits (Jim Beam!), industrial-sized blocks of cheese, a nice brisket, some ribs, salmon, and other needs for proper practice.  ;)  Maybe a PID next Xmas...

I think the biggest challenge will be to just trust the Bradley. I've been micromanaging my smoking for so long, it's going to be a struggle to let go a little.  ;D

Smoking Duck

Welcome, JNB!  "Traditional" smoking is still a great way to smoke things, but, as you said, the OBS will now allow you to be more versatile as in cold-smoking.  I think the hardest part will be in what to do with the extra time on your hands.  I found it to be hardest to convince the wife that I really did need to be by the smoker with a beer in hand and that, no, I wasn't hiding from her and the "honey-do" list  ;D

Please share your smokes with us.....we love pics!


Steeler....she's a keeper!

Who doesn't love lab puppies?

Click here for my blog: La Cosa Smokestra


JNB- Welcome-- you won't be disappointed with your Bradley!   One other item to put on your Christmas List is a Maverick ET-73 remote thermometer-- I got mine from Yard and Pool after hearing all of the good things about the Maverick on this site...



Welcome to the forum JNB!

I still have my offset, but I must say its gathering more dust everyday!  Your gonna love your BS, and these guys are the best!  Good luck and keep us posted!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!

Mr Walleye

Welcome aboard JNB! We're glad to have you especially with your experience to share.

I'm sure you'll get that baby dialled in quickly with your experience.

On a side note.... I bet ya don't last till next Christmas before pulling the trigger on a PID!  :D  :D  ;D

Anybody who is running a PID can vouch for how well they work on the Bradleys especially for things like sausage. Not a must but ohhh so convenient.

Keep us posted


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


W E L C O M E  to the Forum JNB!

I love my OBS, and since I added the PID it really is "automatic".

I _used_ to have a brinkmann...

Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


Welcome to the family JNB.  You will not regret your decision about the OBS.  I too had a NB offset smoker big enough that they literally loaded it in my truck with a forklift.  No comparison to the ease and results from the Bradley.

Let us know about your first smoke with the OBS.


I'm shocked!  The cover and biscuit sample pack arrived in today's mail!  I guess it's a good thing that Amazon has a regional center here in Phoenix.   ;)

FedEx will be dropping the OBS on Thursday.  The downside is that I'm going to be away on business effectively until the 13th (pretty much my whole life, "being away").  I've already told SWSBO ("She Who Shall Be Obeyed") to think about what she wants for the Xmas dinner.  I'm voting for brisket & salmon.  Mebbe some cheese, too?

Smoking Duck

Living in Phoenix, all I can say is good luck with the cheese (unless you're going for soup ;D)


Steeler....she's a keeper!

Who doesn't love lab puppies?

Click here for my blog: La Cosa Smokestra


QuoteLiving in Phoenix, all I can say is good luck with the cheese (unless you're going for soup )


Hey, I'm pretty sure LQ has a smoked cheese soup recipe.  ;) ;D

Sorry LQ, I just could not pass that up.  :)


Welcome to the forum Jnb you  will be happy with the bradley


Welcome JNB

I had a NB also, in fact 2 of em they rusted out like a russian whale boat   :D

All i use now is my BS and my Traeger, my Weber is collecting dust like wts's offset  ;D

Enjoy your BS you will love it.



Nice you decided to join us JNB. I look forward to your sharing your experiences. Lots of friendly folks here and I know you fill fit right in.
May the fragrance of thin blue smoke always grace your backyard.

Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


JNB Welcome to the Family. Like the old saying goes the only stupid question is the one not asked. Thats the great thing about your new extended family. We have all done it, well at least somebody has at one time or another. Just don't let SWSBO find out that you don't have to be there all the time to babysit. She might let the others that the rest of us have to Obey in on the secret of the garage. Have fun and enjoy. I would suggest a smoked pork loin with hickory for Xmas dinner.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Quick update - The OBS arrived via Fedex at 10:15 this morning.  Unfortunately, I'm in GA all week and have only Saturday at home before flying out again Sunday morning (with another all-week-gone until the following Saturday).  Oh, poo!