Prime Rib BBQ Question - somewhat smoke related

Started by weekendsmoker, November 30, 2008, 10:28:01 AM

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Hi there, looking for a bit of help please kind of unrelated to smoking.  I have a new Weber BBQ with rotisserie and infra red burner.  It also has a side smoker box so I plan to load it up with oak and apply smoke for the first hour.  Does anyone know how long to cook a 2 rib roast rotisserie style and at what temp should I have the rear burner?  Hoping to serve the meat at 7:ish.




Hard to answer the question since those back side infrareds have different heat effectiveness from brand to brand and even within the same brand.  My NexGrill infrared is not very effective by itself (read I usually don't use it because it is lame).

I would start off by smoking the PR in the Bradley for 20 or 40 minutes, puck burner only, no oven temp.  I would then move to the rotisserie at high temp to sear the outside which will keep the inside moist.  Reduce heat to medium and continue till you reach 130 deg.  Take off and double wrap in aluminum foil.  Let this rest for 30 minutes or more.  The carry over cooking will increase the temp by 5 to 10 deg resulting in medium rare and the double wrap in foil will give you plenty of time cusion after you take off the meat.  I should stay warm if you put it in a warm cooler, house oven without heat for a couple of hours if needed.  If you want more rare or more medium, adjust the take off temp by 5 or 10 degrees.
There are many more variations.  You could use the smoker on your grill but it will not be as effective as the Bradley (IMHO).
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