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Started by tomo, January 06, 2009, 02:57:16 PM

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thanks to all for your suggestions & advice.  I will certainly check out the recipes that you have suggested.  I also found when I smoked yesterday that the bisquettes were not burning through all the way.  Would this have been caused by lack of oxygen & air circulation?  These sound like really silly questions so I hope you all forgive me "novice" status.  I am so excited to learn how to do this well.

Thanks again all

Habanero Smoker

Hi Tomo;

Welcome to the forum.

This may provide some help Bisquettes do not burn completely. Is this normal?.

Also check out the Bradley Smoker FAQ's
and Recipes


Mr Walleye

Hi Tomo and welcome to the forum.

Habs has you hooked up with the links he provided you. I also just wanted to add there aren't any silly questions, if ya don't ask... ya won't know.  ;)


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes

Smoking Duck

Quote from: Mr Walleye on January 06, 2009, 04:52:48 PM
Hi Tomo and welcome to the forum.

Habs has you hooked up with the links he provided you. I also just wanted to add there aren't any silly questions, if ya don't ask... ya won't know.  ;)


OK, Mike........if a train leaves Chicago doing 60 mph and heads west and a truck leaves NY at 60 mph, what color is Bozo the clown's shirt?

You gotta admit, that's a silly question  ;D

In all seriousness, when it comes to Smoking Tomo, there really are no silly questions.  We were all novices (still am, frankly) at one time and the only way we learned was by asking questions.  If you take heed of some of the really great minds on this board, it won't be long before you're answering the questions asked by someone else.  It's the circle of smoking.  Hakuna Matata  ;D

Welcome to the board..may as well jump in with both feet....smoking food is not something that's best enjoyed while just dipping the toes.


Steeler....she's a keeper!

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Click here for my blog: La Cosa Smokestra


Quote from: Smoking Duck on January 06, 2009, 05:23:07 PM
OK, Mike........if a train leaves Chicago doing 60 mph and heads west and a truck leaves NY at 60 mph, what color is Bozo the clown's shirt?

Not to take this too far off topic but I have an answer but really need a few more vairiable clarified but can cover that case regardless.

If Bozo is standing on the tracks or on the road as the train or truck is approaching at 60 mph, the shirt will start out blue, turn brown, then quickly turn to red. 
I love these multi colored scientific questions.  Math was my best subject in school.   8)
Click here for our time proven and tested recipes - http://www.susanminor.org/


W E L C O M E  to the Forum tomo!

There are lots of good people here willing to help, so ask away!
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


Welcome to the forum tomo. :)

Quote from: Gizmo on January 06, 2009, 09:11:26 PM
Quote from: Smoking Duck on January 06, 2009, 05:23:07 PM
OK, Mike........if a train leaves Chicago doing 60 mph and heads west and a truck leaves NY at 60 mph, what color is Bozo the clown's shirt?

Not to take this too far off topic but I have an answer but really need a few more vairiable clarified but can cover that case regardless.

If Bozo is standing on the tracks or on the road as the train or truck is approaching at 60 mph, the shirt will start out blue, turn brown, then quickly turn to red. 
I love these multi colored scientific questions.  Math was my best subject in school.   8)

:D :D :D
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"