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Started by cologcab, January 06, 2005, 03:14:44 PM

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on this Raptor controller do I need the whole kit or the 100.00 piece ?And is it worth buying it ?

Habanero Smoker

If you are using it for the BS, and have the Guru, you just need the Raptor. The Raptor is the piece of equipment that interfaces with the Guru and the BS. If you don't have either the Raptor of the Guru, you need to purchase both in order to use it with the BS.

For me it is a great convenience. I could never get the temperature correct by controlling it manually. I would be readjusting the temp. control every 30 to 60 minutes. There are some that don't have this problem. Also you can leave the BS unattended, without interruptions.

I give it thumbs up.



You need the Raptor to control the electrical impulse from either the Competitor or the Procom4.  I have had both, using the Procom4 now, have an 8-1/2# brisket in since last night.  I put in the meat at 12:30, advanced the smoke generator at 01:00 a.m., went to bed and got up and changed the water at 4:50 a.m.  The BS temp was set at 210 when I put the meat in.  I have not touched it - no back and forth adjustments of slider switch.  The Guru Raptor does it all.  You just have to patient until you meat temp is achieved.  Couldn't be easier!

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


Im an idiot I can not find that link for the raptor etc can anyone post it ty in advance


The link is:
//thebbqguru.com  Tell them you were referred from the Bradley Forum by Bill and Jeff.  I have never regretted spending the big bucks for this.  It can be used, with a additional fan, on almost any BBQ pit.  The Raptor is for electrical smokers only.

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


NSX which one did you get I just spoke to them and that guru pro sounds cool but boss gonna kick my a..... if i spend 600.00


As soon as I recover from the Christmas spending I'll be ordering the raptor to go with my Bradley.  I have the competitor that goes with my ceramic cooker so all I need is the raptor adaptor(that rhymes).  The competitor is less money but not as precise as the procomm.  I bought mine before the procomm was in production so it wasn't a choice.  I have used mine quite a bit and look forward to the raptor for the Bradley.  I feel it will especially come in handy while making bologna and sausage.  The bologna must start at 120°f then to 160° then to 180°f until it is finished.  With the raptor I set it then when I need to change I set it again easy as can be.  Have fun and Happy Smokin'.

Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.




I have the Procom4.  Boss will kick your butt for getting it, but you will kick your own if you don't.  It is fantastic.

Here are pics in use:

The Controller display:

The Controller mounted with Velcro on SS Bracket on top of smoke generator.

The new bag I got to keep the remote water-proof, and Jeff, that's a picture of my espresso machine you asked me to post up.

I am now 12 hours into a smoke of 8.5# brisket.  Temp consistently held 208-210...Sure smells good, but no peeking until the alarm goes off!


There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


NSX im gonna tell my boss you said it was ok to get it ty [:D]hehe also where would you like to be buried lol


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by birdboy</i>
<br />Ceramic Cooker?
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Yes.  I own 3[:D]and my Bradley.  The Bradley gets used on most of my low and slow and for all my cold smoking.  The ceramic grills are used for searing at high heat, burgers and stuff that dosen't require a long time.  I love them all.

Very nice.  I like the way you kept everything on topic very cleaver.  That machine is nicer than I've seen in lots of coffee shops around here

Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.


Hey Bill,
Is that the S24 and the MD40?  Very nice.  I recently picked up the  A la di Vittoria La Valentina.


It is the S27 - fully automatic amounts, but has to be plumbed in.  I am running off 5 gallon bottles with a 110 demand pump through an in-line water softener and 1 micron filter system.  

Got a great deal from a doctor who just wanted to off it.  I still have a Rancilio Silvia, 2 Rockys-one doserless and one with a doser.  I roast with a Hottop 2-3 times a week...Not a coffee nut or anything!

I tried selling the Silvia combination, but will probably just end up putting it in an RV.  It is a fine home unit, but the S27 is so far superior!

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


Nice!  I upgraded from the La Pavoni, big difference.   I plumbed mine in, allegedly don't need a water softener that way, sure is convenient to not have to fill it.  

Thats a good idea, I need one in my camper too.  

I looked at the Rocky's but I think they were 1/2" too tall to fit under kitchen cabinets.



The A la di Vittoria La Valentina is a very pretty unit. I was also looking at that one and the Andreja Premium from Quickmill sold by Chriscoffee, but brace yourself!  <font color="red">I got the S27 and the MD40 for $800.</font id="red">  

Couldn't say no to that!  

I had to drive to San Luis Obispo in my Hummer to pick it up which was a 700 mile round trip.  The MD I bought it from didn't want to ship it. It is about 5 years old and serviced by Rancilio Rep in his home every year out of Modesto.  

Scary...it is just too easy to service myself.  I do a weekly blind flush and plan on putting new group seal when it leaks...

Love the capability to do one mocha after another without hesitation when we have company.  

Happy Smoking and coffee drinking!

Jeff (Habanerosmoker) also roasts his own coffee as an FYI.

There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.