Doggie Pix

Started by seemore, January 08, 2009, 02:44:04 PM

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Go Deb, go Deb, go!
:) :)

Pellicle Pete

My pooch got chewed up the other day. How do you make pictures work here?

Pellicle Pete

Thank you. Maybe my wife can figure that stuff out for me.


He has just sampled some good ribs! Looking for more...

He is known around town as Party Marty!


He's too cute!

Pellicle Pete

My Wife gets home from the mine tomorrow and maybe I can get a picture of my dog on my computer.

Pellicle Pete

The usual,silver,lead and zinc. Works keeps her gone for two weeks,then she has that many off. The money is not great,barely over $100,000 a year,but the retirement is very good quality. Also insurance is very good.

What does your Wife do?

Pellicle Pete

If you divorce,you get another try.

Pellicle Pete

Are you from Texas too?

Pellicle Pete

Because you are good at whine.

Pellicle Pete

I was thinking your Wife just give you cheese.


Quote from: Pellicle Pete on October 06, 2009, 07:57:06 PM
I was thinking your Wife just give you cheese.

No, that would be WI if you want cheese!

Pellicle Pete

If whine is big enough,the cheese doesn't require request.

Pellicle Pete

Too bad she does not suit you.

Jesus can help.

Pellicle Pete

Plagiarism is well shy of believing.

Look in the mirror and recount how you've gone through the motions your whole life and less joy.