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First try at Venison snack sticks....

Started by Wattles, February 07, 2009, 07:51:22 PM

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believe it or not, they still arent at 152 internal
for some reason the TIME of my earlier "got em in" post above is 3 hours off...i put them in at 1230p today

and this post was done at 630pm...hmmmmm?

100-110 dry and no smoke for an hour
125-130 with hickory for 4.5 hours
now smoke off/water out at about 165-170

dont laugh im just following the instructions on the bag!  LOL

PS i accept and WELCOME constructive criticism!


Quote from: Wattles on February 08, 2009, 03:30:59 PM
believe it or not, they still arent at 152 internal
for some reason the TIME of my earlier "got em in" post above is 3 hours off...i put them in at 1230p today

and this post was done at 630pm...hmmmmm?

100-110 dry and no smoke for an hour
125-130 with hickory for 4.5 hours
now smoke off/water out at about 165-170

dont laugh im just following the instructions on the bag!  LOL

PS i accept and WELCOME constructive criticism!

Did you get em to temp yet.  When i do sausage, sticks or jerky i have no water in the pan. Also your vent should be open 1/2 way. If still not up to temp remove the v-tray and open vent more.

Your getting there.




getting there,,,pics soon!!!

man they smell good



dont EVER, or less often, follow instructions on seasoning kits...LOL

frankly, i shouldve known better (water in bowl, keeping vent semi closed, etc)

now i understand there is a learning curve to this AND that different smokers behave very differently but this day of my first smoke has been trying...

a big thanks to NEPAS for giving me some FUTURE tips...i think i can salvage these but i shouldve been done an hour or more ago...


Quote from: Wattles on February 08, 2009, 05:30:13 PM

dont EVER, or less often, follow instructions on seasoning kits...LOL

frankly, i shouldve known better (water in bowl, keeping vent semi closed, etc)

now i understand there is a learning curve to this AND that different smokers behave very differently but this day of my first smoke has been trying...

a big thanks to NEPAS for giving me some FUTURE tips...i think i can salvage these but i shouldve been done an hour or more ago...


When i started doing sticks way back there were not many instructions. My mom got mad many times cuz i ruined lots of meat.



maybe my thermometer is broke!  D'OH!!!!



Quote from: Wattles on February 08, 2009, 05:47:54 PM
maybe my thermometer is broke!  D'OH!!!!


Do you know what temp the sticks are at now. If you want to check, take a stick out and cut it up, if not done they will still be mushy.




i am no longer a snack stick virgin!

155-160 degrees...checked about 4 or 5 of em.

gonna let em cool a bit, cut em up and vac seal

taste????  id give em a 6 or 7, so im  pretty happy with em for my maiden voyage!!!

thanks guys!


Great job there neighbor  ;D

now eat em up.



anyone have a good recipe for these???  sausage maybe??? LMAO!!!  good nibblins if nuthin else i guess...

nepas, thanks for your help today...


Anytime Wattles

I'm going to do more stick this week sometime.



Quote from: NePaSmoKer on February 09, 2009, 11:17:54 AM
Anytime Wattles

I'm going to do more stick this week sometime.


these turned out so good i think i will too!!  :)


Those look great!
I made a batch over Christmas, and really like them.
Yes, they take a while in the smoker. 
Here's my log from that smoke:
1 Jan 09   60 deg   no wind
6 lb 21mm snack sticks   
9 Maple pucks
Time:   Meat:   Smoker:
1115      140   meat on
1200      140   smoke on
1300      170
1400      175
1630   152   Door sticks done first, and were about 160 deg at 1600

I noticed on your picture of the smoker you laid sticks on the bottom shelf.  Make sure you space them far enough apart so they allow the hot air to raise up to the rest of the tower--the hung sticks above can't cook if the hot air can't get up to them.  I hang mine and like doing them that way.
get smokin


thanks for the info drano!  appreciated.

im not going to lay sticks on the bottom rack anymore...

looks like the OBS is nicely sized for 6 or 7 lbs of snack stix for my two rods leaving trays out of the picture


Quote from: Wattles on February 08, 2009, 07:09:00 PM
anyone have a good recipe for these???  sausage maybe??? LMAO!!!  good nibblins if nuthin else i guess...
Soup maybe?b ;)