• Welcome to BRADLEY SMOKER | "Taste the Great Outdoors".

totaly new

Started by dasbear, February 25, 2009, 05:52:34 PM

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Found this site while looking for a Jalepeno cheddar sausage recipe though I dont presently own a bradley smoker many topics here are relative to my interest in sausage making.


Welcome Bear. stick around long enough and you'll be wanting/getting a Bradley. Ask questions to enhance your knowledge and share what you know. That's how we all learn.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!

Smokin Soon

dasbear, don't need a Bradley to look around here, Welcome to the forum. Lots of good sausage info here and on our recipe sight. It's all about cookin and smokin!  ;D

Mr Walleye

Hi DasBear and welcome to the forum.

Lots of friendly folks around here willing to share a lot of great experience.  ;)


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


Hi bear, welcome and stay a spell. :)
"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


Welcome aboard.  A word of caution - if you stay on this forum you may be tempted to purchase a Bradley.  If you like fine food you may not be able to resist.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/

Smoking Duck

Welcome to the site!  If you like sausage, you're going to love it here.  We have some mighty fine sausage makers here.  Doesn't matter if you have a Bradley or not.  If you like to either make your own smoked foods or eat smoked foods, well, consider yourself a friend.


Steeler....she's a keeper!

Who doesn't love lab puppies?

Click here for my blog: La Cosa Smokestra


Welcome Bear

Like you, I found the site looking for sausage recipes.  I have had lots of smoking and grilling equipment and had no intention of buying a sissy electric smoker.  But by golly I did and I am not looking back.  There are still some places where I haven't "come out of the closet" so to speak, and admit that I own an electric smoker BTW!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

As you have probably already found out, there are lots of good, experienced, and active sausage makers here.  They've got me wanting to do it also.  Shoulda stayed away.  It has already cost me a Bradley and is going to cost me a PID, a meat grinder, a sausage stuffer, and a humidity cabinet soon (I'll be lucky to keep it to just that list)!  And as others have said - it might cost you a Bradley also (obligatory warning)!  Wade in - the waters fine - and have fun here!

The Bard of Hot Aire
Threadkiller Extraordinaire'
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


Hi DasBear welcome.....

La Quinta

dasbear...welcome...I think a lot of us found this site because we were looking for "something", whether it sausage, cold smoked cheese, salmon, chicken, briskit...you name it..the peeps on here are great people and will help you no matter what kinda smoker you have...(although the Bradley is a damn good one) was that subliminal enough?  ;D

Anyhoo...glad to have ya!!!

West Coast Kansan

the bear is welcome.  Talk sausage, bradley is optional!

Click On Link For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes and Register at this site for Tuesday Night Chat Room Chat is FUN!

NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)


W E L C O M E  to the Forum dasbear!
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!