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Started by Dex, April 02, 2009, 04:04:11 PM

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NEW High Bidder: KyNola - $300

2 minutes left....


Congratualtions to KyNola! And a big Thank You!


Cograts KyNola on your winning bid.


Up In Smoke

2 Bradley OBS
Some people are like Slinkies... They're really good for nothing.
...But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.

Ka Honu


Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!

La Quinta

Smokin Soon

Mr Walleye

Good on you KyNola!

It's a great cause for sure.


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes

Habanero Smoker

Very spirited bidding. Congratulations KyNola.

Ka Huna;

Maybe you can offer KyNola $101 plus shipping for one jar of sauce. :)


Ka Honu


Coming to you from from New Orleans, thanks everyone.  Jan and I are thrilled to have a bit more Ice's sauce but even more thrilled to support such a great cause as the Mutt Strut.  We have no kids so our dogs are our kids and we are dog people.

Ka Honu, check out your original post about bulk spices in NOLA.  Found one but not sure it's what you're looking for.




Holy Molly Folks!!! I am floored and very happy about the donations to a great cause. Ann and I will donate also so just let me know how. We are involved with the German Shepard rescue up here in Alaska.
KyNola you need to PM us so we can get a package sent down to you.
To our friends on the forum we will try to get time soon to get more sauce out to you. The new job is very stressful to say the least right now. Hang in there folks.
Again thank you very much for your support for the furry critters. It really means a lot to us. This is truly the best group of people we have had the pleasure to meet. Hope all of you weather this economic do. do. out and we can all get back to the normal stuff soon.
Smoke On Friends.
Best to all Pat and Ann  ;D