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Salmon Question

Started by watchdog56, July 12, 2010, 05:42:01 PM

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I have about 4 lbs of coho salmon and 4 lbs of lake trout I plan on smoking using Kummok's recipe. The only problem I see is I did not scale the fish before filleting them. Should I try to get the scales off before putting fish in brine or should I just take the skin off? Also if I brine overnight will leaving fillets out at room temp to form pellicle be ok or should I leave in frig overnight to form pellicle? If I leave in frig to form pellicle I will probably have to brine for 24 hours. Also once the fish are done smoking and before putting in vacuum bags should I remove skin? I will  go slow staring at 110 for 2 hours then 140 for 4 hours them 170 for 2 hours. I will be gone at a family reunion so I am not sure if I will be around when done. I will smoke for 2 hours starting the first 2 hours of the 140 cycle.

Smoking Duck

Hey Watchdog,

I'm no expert but I'll try to answer your questions as best as possible.

Scaling is not necessary however it is highly recommended.  If you don't, you'll be busy as a one armed paper hanger trying to get all the scales off of your fish as will happen when the fish is in the brine.  I would do one of two things....either scale them before you brine or take the skin completely off.  I would go with scaling because I like the skin on during the smoking process.  The skin will peel off easily after smoking and I always store minus the skin.  If leaving the fish outside to form the pellicle, I would highly recommend using a fan when doing it.  The temps these days scare me and I don't like to mess with fish or poultry in high temps.  I usually leave mine overnight in the fridge to form the pellicle unless it's winter time and then do it in the garage (unheated).  Definitely follow Kummok's advice on times and temp and if you see little white boogers forming you're going too hot too fast.  Good luck....there will probably be someone along with a lot more experience than me to help you shortly.

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1. My own personal preference is to remove skin....that takes processing a bit further than others might do but it serves no purpose to me, the way I process the meat, so off it comes. An easy way to take care of your scale "opps!".

2. Don't know what "outside" temps are where you live Watchdog, but I pellicle inside my smoking center (aka garage.. ;)  ) with average temps around 60°F for around 6-8 hours, depending upon air movement.

3. As regards removing skin before vac sealing, see 1 above....removing skin before tossing in brine is the way I do it...some don't. The only reason I would leave skin on is if I'm doing large or full fillets....makes for a better presentation. I rarely do full fillets....


OK i can take skin off before brine. Should be no problem. If I leave out of frig for pellicle to form it would be room temp (75?) If I do it that way how long do you think it would take for pellicle to form?


The way I cut the meat up, pellicle should form (with fan on) in around 4-6 hours. I use small pieces (see pics)...larger could take longer
I start with this size....all my salmon are reduced to this size before freezing in vac sealed bags (the white meat is white King salmon) :

Then further reduced to this size for brining/smoking. These racks are in pellicle forming stage:

So finished product looks like this (pellicle formed) before going into smoker:


OK Thanks for the pics.


Sometimes I use the Kummok method and sometimes I leave fish much larger with skin on and bone in.  I do not scale and I usually take the skin off before freezing but have also left it on.  I wash the fish thouroughly before brining.  I vacuum pack before freezing.  In the end I have never had bad fish if I started out with good fish. 


Quote from: stillsmoking on July 13, 2010, 05:12:46 PM
....In the end I have never had bad fish if I started out with good fish. 

Salmon Smokin' Rule #1 !!   


Here are the results. Came out great but I will probably cut the cayenne in half next time.;


Can't see much of what's there watchdog but if you and yours liked it, well done!  I have experimented a ton with a lot of different types of fish through the years and am still just learning.  My tastes have changed over time and different things are appealing to me at different times.  I remember making some smoked catfish for some friends that my wife and I thought was inedible and they still are poetic about it.  Don't be afraid to experiment when you have the chance.  If there are flavors you like, use them.  I have access to lots of fish so can afford to make mistakes but in the end good fish in and good flavors makes fish that can be enjoyed.


sorry here is the other pic;It is a little blurry;