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What our handles are about?

Started by Quarlow, November 03, 2009, 09:23:28 PM

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Quote(figure not to many folks have those 3 initials)

I'm just one letter away, TLB
Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.


My dad gave me the nickname "Moose" several years ago since I was a bigger than average kid (not tall, just round)...lol.  In recent years, with online gaming I joined a gaming clan "OMC" which stands for "Old Man Clan" and you have to be at least 30 years old to join it.  So I just came up with OMC-MOOSE.  Simple not much pizzazz.
NRA Life Member


I'm a locksmith for a school district of about 30 different schools, thats a whole bunch of doors!! I am the one source for keys, so a lot of people at work call me Keymaster  :D


"Some world views are spacious and some are merely spaced."


Well, after a long hiatus, I am finally back.

My name is Michelle and my dad used to call me "Moe" (my little sister is Lucy and brother is Charles and he would call all of us Moe, Curly and Larry after the 3 stooges)
And since this is a.....wait for it.....lol....a forum on Bradley smokers.....it just seemed logical.
"If I have to cook, I might as well watch it all go up in smoke!"


I just looked at my Kelpie Cow dog and bamm Kelpiedg not much thought just first thing that came to mind.




Test Rocket,  I am not saying this to be an ass just an Artilleryman, your pic is a HIMARS,  same concept as an MLRS just on a truck and a few pods short.  Red Leg For Ever.


Nickname from the Navy.  A corruption of my last name, Drouillard (don't ask me), my fondness for dragons, a liking for all black and rare meat, Dracul became Drac.

I cook with a flair for the dramatic,
and depraved indifference to calories

West Coast Kansan

"No Place Like Home" Red slippers - clicking heels and all that. Just not there yet  :(

In the mean time SD will do.  8)

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)