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Started by maxon8, May 16, 2006, 07:48:37 PM

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Quote"History of Food".

I would be interested in further details if and when you have time Iceman, thanks. :)

Habanero Smoker

JJC did mention it to me, and thought highly or it. He peaked my interest in this area, and when I began looking for locally grown meat, I quickly found how available it was to me.



QuoteThe question is....... what to do with them? Fajitas, casserole, steak and guinness pie? Ideas anyone?!

This sounds very interesting, please share!!! :)

I just got my keg filled-Oh Yeah it's stout
Grab me another stout, or scotch, or martini, or........
http://www.yardandpool.com - for all your Bradley needs!
http://www.geocities.com/schleswignapa/ -for all your Bradley needs!


QuoteThis sounds very interesting, please share!!!

I have eaten Steak and Guinness pie on quite a few occasions but never made one myself. Done a bit of research and have narrowed it down to one of two recipes.



Fancy doing it with puff pastry rather than shortcrust pastry.

Wampum Pit

This thread makes me realize how blessed I am to live in amish country. Sometimes I take for granted all

of the great resources here, from a culture that the rest of the country has left behind. The capons are

great, especially when you baste 'em down with a little amish roll butter. Whenever we have company

that's staying for breakfast I run down the road and grab some fresh eggs. No one ever believes that

there was nothing done to the eggs. The birds we get might not be as breasty as the ones from

Wallyworld, but that a compromise I'm willing to live with to have a steroid and antibiotic free meal.
Wampum Pit  -  I love animals, they're delicious.


Quote from: manxman on May 24, 2006, 02:41:20 AM
QuoteNow back to beef, I have about 6lb of fillet steak bits, the offcuts from when the local butcher was cutting up his fillet steaks which I bartered for through a friend of a friend.
The question is....... what to do with them? Fajitas, casserole, steak and guinness pie? Ideas anyone?! ???
These sound wonderful. I don't know how big they are but this is what I might try with them. Salt and pepper lightly. Sear at as high a temp as possible, getting as much browning of the outside as you can without overcooking the inside. Then serve with a well-cooked saute (in butter) of mushrooms and garlic, with some sweet onion thrown in as well. Some really fresh, boiled new potatoes on the side with butter and parsley would go well with this. Anyway, you can't go wrong with this beef, as long as you don't overcook it while you're developing the surface flavor by searing, or cover it up with too many other stronger flavors. That is why I would choose mushrooms and potatoes, with a little garlic and onion for spice.
Enjoy good Southern-style smoked barbecue -- it's not just for breakfast anymore!
Play old-time music - it's better than it sounds!
Please Note: The cook is not responsible for dog hair in the food!!


QuoteThese sound wonderful. I don't know how big they are but this is what I might try with them. Salt and pepper lightly. Sear at as high a temp as possible, getting as much browning of the outside as you can without overcooking the inside. Then serve with a well-cooked saute (in butter) of mushrooms and garlic, with some sweet onion thrown in as well. Some really fresh, boiled new potatoes on the side with butter and parsley would go well with this. Anyway, you can't go wrong with this beef, as long as you don't overcook it while you're developing the surface flavor by searing, or cover it up with too many other stronger flavors. That is why I would choose mushrooms and potatoes, with a little garlic and onion for spice.

Thanks Asa....... something else to add to my list! ;D


Quote from: manxman on May 25, 2006, 11:18:37 AM
QuoteThanks Asa....... something else to add to my list! ;D

If you try it, let us know how it turns out. Makes me hungry just thinking about the possibilities with that good, tender beef.
Enjoy good Southern-style smoked barbecue -- it's not just for breakfast anymore!
Play old-time music - it's better than it sounds!
Please Note: The cook is not responsible for dog hair in the food!!


Sorry I have not kept up with this thread and as such I wish to add my 2-cents worth concern the following idea:

QuoteWhat would happen if the world economy of money stopped, no more money. You might well laugh but if it were then to evolve into a barter system what would happen?. Do not forget the money system evolved from bartering so why not  go back there.

The return to a barter system IMO would throw the world into chaos. The reason people normally barter is to get around paying taxes.  No taxes then no goverment. No taxes then no social services. No taxes then no army to defend your country. At best the world would then be ruled by the law of the jungle: Only the strong survive.

At worse all liberties would be lost as totalitarian regimes would form. Regimes that would strive to crush all efforts to create autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul--a caste system of the likes the world has never seen would be the rule of the day.  From utter absolutism to complete slavery. Slavery where even the young would "prey" on the old.

On the other hand the monetary system we have today, while not perfect, is an equalizer. It is the means of transmission for our world and local economies. It levels the playing field of economics--the world's production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services no matter where the consummer resides. It protects the weak from the strong and insures our freedom's.

It is for the aforementioned reasons that our monetary system not only evolved from bartering, but has survived. Yes the world's monetary system is not perfect, but it beats the option. The day of the barter system is long since gone.

Ok you all can go back to the beef...  :D


Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


QuoteAt worse all liberties would be lost as totalitarian regimes would form. Regimes that would strive to crush all efforts to create autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul--a caste system of the likes the world has never seen would be the rule of the day.  From utter absolutism to complete slavery. Slavery where even the young would "prey" on the old.

No "sitting on the fence" on this subject from Olds!!!! ;D ;D ;D