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Sorry to bum out the forum....

Started by Tiny Tim, March 30, 2009, 07:43:34 AM

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Tiny, don't know what to say except that good friends help ease the pain of loss.

And good food helps friends find a reason to stop by.

I wish you all the peace of mind and heartfelt sympathy that can be shared.  Don't forget the fun moments as they, in my experience, can lighten a heavy heart.

Don't forget to take care of yourself.

With sympathy, warm wishes, and prayers



Tiny, Sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad.
It sounds like you both made a terrific impact on each others life and have some cherished memories for ever.
Our prayer are with you my friend.
Click here for our time proven and tested recipes - http://www.susanminor.org/


So very sorry to hear of your sad loss TT, my thoughts and prayer are with you and yours right now. You take good care, Paul


Our deepest condolences on your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

When it's brown its cooking....when its black its done!

Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven


Sorry to hear of the loss of your father.Thoughts and prayers go out to you.


Sorry to hear the news Tiny.  I know from your posts how close you and your Dad were.

All the best.



Tim, Sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you my friend.
May the fragrance of thin blue smoke always grace your backyard.

Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


Dear Tim,

     I haven't posted in some time but I just wanted to offer my sincere condolences. I have a somewhat similar situation with my father and I know how difficult it can be. My mother passed on ten years ago and my father is now 88. A year and a half ago he suffered a major heart attack. We were virtually sure that he wouldn't survive but he's a stubborn old trooper and is still kicking, although with about 50% heart function. He has never been able to return to his house and currently lives in an adult family home.  After a recent fall he was hospitalized with a neck fracture (on top of a pelvis fracture he suffered some months ago). He's back at the family home for now but has to be monitored 24/7. He is very bloated from water weight gain and has a difficult time keeping his blood pressure up. Also he is less lucid now.  I'm just thankful I have been able to see him recently and tell him that I love him. I'm also thankful that he has had a good life and a wonderful family.  He has asked not to be resuscitated if he has coronary or respiratory failure and we, his children, will respect his wishes. We just want him to be as comfortable as possible with the time he has left. Sorry to keep rambling but, as you know, these times are very trying emotionally and I'm relieved just to talk about it some....


Nick Lorang

Up In Smoke

i wish i could put together words that would ease your pain,
both  you and your families will be in my prayers.
if either of you need someone to vent to pm me and i will
give you a contact number.

2 Bradley OBS
Some people are like Slinkies... They're really good for nothing.
...But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.


Nick, I hate to hear that about your Father as well. I'm with Up In Smoke if either of you need to vent or just chat let me know I'm here to listen.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!



So sorry to hear about your dad.  My thoughts are with you & your family. 

Take care,


Tiny Tim

Thank you everybody.  I don't know if it's the support and prayers from here (as well as those from my local family and friends), but I am taking this a whole lot better than I expected to.  I'm sure I'll break down a few times during the visitation this afternoon, and probably at the funeral tomorrow, but so far the tears have been few...remembering the good times.

And, Nick.  Thank you for your story, I wish you the best when the day comes.  That's one thing I am glad about, I got to tell Dad that I loved him, many times over, while waiting for the end to come.  I hope you can find comfort in the same.


Sorry I've checked in on this so late, but want to echo others thoughts and prayers of condolence, TT. Been there and it sux, but I can tell you that the good memories prevail. Getting to tell your Dad that you love him and hearing that back from him is a blessing that many folks I know didn't receive. You are truly blessed to have had the time together that you did.

Nick...Indeed, you get it!


So sorry to hear about your dad, I have been on the road for a few days so I just found out now, My deepeset sympathy to you and your family


Just saw the post Tim. Sorry to hear the news my friend. I can only hope time will help the pain. Prayers are with you.
Pat and Ann