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Debbie – I got my new Keurig

Started by Habanero Smoker, June 13, 2009, 02:45:39 PM

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Quote from: Smokin Soon on July 07, 2009, 04:59:19 PM
Isa this a B-60 or a B-70? B-70 is the latest, right?


at the very bottom of the page it says it is a model B-66 (not sure if just a newer generation of B-60 or Costco special edition).  It has 3 cup sizes.  The B-70 has five.   

I was just in Costco and I think it was only 119.99 in the store.  It's a good deal. 

Habanero Smoker

It is the B-60 also known as the Special Edition. As Debbie states it may be a an exclusive for Costco. Many large retailers, especially Warehouse clubs place such a large order that they can get the manufacturer to add additional features, or add a bonus in the packaging and give it a different model number. Most cases they will add letters.

By looking at the list of features it seem that the only difference (from what is listed) is that you get an extra 72 k-cups and a My k-cup Coffee filter. That's over an added $40.00 value for the same model at the same price you would get if you went to Bed, Bath & Beyond.


Smokin Soon

Went over to Bed Bath & Beyond to see what these critters looked like and low and behold the Breville jumped right out and said "take me home!" Whipped out my 20% coupon and got it for $200 even.
Easy setup, not noisey. Just had a cup of "Donut Shop Blend" Pretty darned good!


The Breville is pretty, I just couldn't bring myself to spend the $200 or more.  I ordered the Platinum one that Habs has today.  I bought enough coffee yesterday to bring me to 1000 points, that brought the cost from 169.99 to 99.99 and then I used the gift cards from Costco which were $79.99 for $100 worth.  So the $169 coffee maker cost me $80 bucks.  I'm happy with that. 

Hopefully it shows up quickly, It was a rough morning......

Smokin Soon

These points are from buying K-Cups from Keurig?


Quote from: Smokin Soon on July 08, 2009, 05:10:47 PM
These points are from buying K-Cups from Keurig?

yes,  here is the link http://www.keurig.com/coffeeclub.asp?mscsid=ASK1FH27HVLG8HFXHMFCABTB701M4HTB

you get 25 pts for each box of 24 you purchase
from 0 to 500 pts you get 10% off your coffee
over 500 you get 15% off
If you have 1000 pts you can get a $70 discount on the platinum brewer
if you redeem your pts for the brewer you are still at the 15% off

Not sure if below is part of coffee club..
If you buy $45 worth you get free shipping
If you buy 6 boxes of large boxes (24 pks) you can get a free small box (5 k-cups)

they have 5 packs so you can order different coffees/teas to try

Smokin Soon

I may be wrong, But Amazons pricing looks a little better.

Habanero Smoker


When I used my points, my new Keurig arrived in 4 working days, and since they use FedEx it arrived on a Saturday. You made a great deal. You paid less then the cost of their entry model that goes for $99.00.

The free samples and shipping are benefits beyond the club membership.


Habanero Smoker

Deb & SS;

Make sure you register your new machines on line. When you register, you get a code word, and if you order 4 boxes (24 K-cups) you will get two of them for free, free postage, and discounts apply. I'm not sure of points values, my order is still being processed, so I don't know if I will get 50 points or 100.

When I ordered I ordered 2 of the new ice teas they have, which are about one dollar more per box. I happened to have place them first in my order. When I typed in my code, those two boxes, which were a higher price were discounted to free. So I don't know if they are selecting the highest price boxes for the freebies or just the first two boxes in the order.



Thanks Habs! 

I was going to order some of the ice tea & will wait until after I get my machine.  It says that it is going to be delivered tomorrow but I don't have a lot of faith in Fedex Home Delivery.  It only seems to get here on the estimated date about 1/2 the time. 

Quote from: Smokin Soon on July 08, 2009, 05:38:27 PM
I may be wrong, But Amazons pricing looks a little better.

Amazon's prices seem to be all over the place.  The coffee that I drink on a regular basis is more at Amazon.  Plus, right now I am paying a net cost of $9.49 a box buying through Keurig with the gift certificates purchased at Costco. 

Smokin Soon

Thanks for the heads up on registering the thing, as I would not have known. Put in my order for the freebies today. Got a nice variety of "extra bold" in stock for me and Cocoa and Tea for the wife. She is really hooked on the Mandarin Orange Decaf Tea. Also thanks to Habs and Deb, cause I did not know these things existed.

Smokin Soon

Deb, I thought tou just got a new Keurig replacement and you said it's broken?? The dreaded "not ready" message?


Quote from: Smokin Soon on July 15, 2009, 04:27:05 PM
Deb, I thought tou just got a new Keurig replacement and you said it's broken?? The dreaded "not ready" message?

Yes, got it yesterday and now blinking "not ready"  the tech sounded like it never happens ???   Is yours ok?

Smokin Soon

There is a reset procedure, did you try it? I did a google on it and it has you pressing buttons in a certain order.

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: deb415611 on July 15, 2009, 04:43:28 PM
Quote from: Smokin Soon on July 15, 2009, 04:27:05 PM
Deb, I thought tou just got a new Keurig replacement and you said it's broken?? The dreaded "not ready" message?

Yes, got it yesterday and now blinking "not ready"  the tech sounded like it never happens ???   Is yours ok?

Wow! Sorry to hear about that. I just googled the problem also, and it seems to happen to many. By any chance, did you try unplugging it for about one minute and plugging it back in. Sometimes a power interruptions will mess up the computer chip's memory in most appliances. Unplugging and plugging it back in frequently works.
