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Debbie – I got my new Keurig

Started by Habanero Smoker, June 13, 2009, 02:45:39 PM

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Habanero Smoker

This post if for everyone, but I know that Debbie is a Keurig fan like myself.

I got my new Keurig Platinum B-70; and have been using it for a few days (also just learned that Green Mt. is the parent company). I previously had the Special Edition B-60. When I was setting it up, I noticed that the on/off button is in the back. I was not too pleased with that. Though they recommend keeping the brewer on 24/7, I mainly make my coffee only in the morning; and if I want a cup at a different time, the most you have to wait is 4.5 minutes to brew your first cup. So I had to rearrange a few things on my counter so I can get to the button; not a big deal.

After setting it up, I began the priming process. There was no noise from the pump, so I figured the machine was not working. I looked at the water reservoir and saw the water going down. I couldn't believe it, when the pump was running in my old machine I could hear it two rooms away. OK! So that makes up for the bad design of placing the on/off button in the rear.

My old machine had three cup sizes; this one has four plus an ice beverage setting. The cup sizes are 5.25oz; 7.25oz; 9.25oz and 11.25oz. Even though the brewing temperature is the same, for some reason the flavor is stronger from the B-70. I also notice the water is not forced through as fast, so that could be the difference, or it could be just my imagination. The 11.25oz brews a weak cup unless you use the dark roast or bold flavors. But everyone's taste is different; you may find that size brews a perfect cup.

The ice beverage setting (3.5oz) is great. What you do is fill a tall glass with ice. Select the ice beverage setting and use your favorite k-cup; whether it is coffee or tea (I haven't tried the cold cocoa yet). After brewing, add your sugar and/or cream if desired, and then add more ice; if needed. The Perfect Peach ice coffee is good.

The other features are the same as the B-60. It has the LCD display; clock, auto off function that you can select from 1-4 hours. I have mine set for 2 hours, that way if I forget to shut it off, it will do so in 2 hours, after I have made my last cup. On/Off time I rarely use, but for you it may be handy since you work at home and drink coffee throughout the day. For example, you can set it to come on at 6 AM and turn off at 8 PM. There is a brewing temperature range 187° - 192°F; I keep mine at the factory default, 192°F.

The only thing different on the menu between the B-60 and the B-70 is the brew size selection. The B-60 you had to push a button that coincided with the cup size. On the B-70 you select the default size you want to brew, and push the brew button. The factory default is 7.25oz, I change mine to 9.25oz. If you want to brew a different size, you use the "left" and "right" buttons to make that selection.

Though the B-60 is a great brewing machine, I like the B-70 a lot better. I'm glad I upgraded, and that Keurig has the points program.



I been looking at these. Right now i have a Tassimo. It works well for me but its almost time to upgrade.




Thanks for the review.  I may have jinxed my machine saying that it was 4 1/2 years old & no problems, it sounded pretty funky yesterday and brewed a couple ~2 oz cups  ??? .  It's okay today but.....

I like the sounds of that machine.  I like my coffee strong and drink mainly Dark Magic Xtra Bold so I guess I'd never use the 9.25 or 11.25 setting.  The ice setting sounds awesome,  I use the 5.25 setting for that but it ends up weaker than I'd like.

I'm not a flavored coffee fan but the peach sounds interesting for iced coffee.  I may have to order from Keurig and get one of the 5 packs. 

Have you seen the Breville Stainless brewer.  It's nice looking but I doubt I'll pay $299 for a coffee maker.   Though I think I paid over 200 for the one I had.  They hadn't been out that long and the price has come down a lot.

Nepas,  get a Keurig, they are awesome.  Way more choices.



I have just bought the new Keurig a couple of months ago, when it is running it is just a whisper, unlike the old one. this is a great machine and I use it none stop, i would recommend it to anyone. I did see the new Breville and it looks quite good, although I have not seen any reviews for it yet.

Habanero Smoker

I'm glad they changed to a quiet pump. I'm not sure if it was the coffee or then noise that would alert me out of my early morning fog. The prices have dropped a lot since they first came out. Also about three months ago they cut the price on almost all models by $20.

The Breville is a nice looking machine, and would probably last for every, but the cost is out of my range.

Here is a link to a review. Under the pro's it list that the Breville has a charcoal filter. Charcoal filters are now available for most Keurig home brewers.

Breville Review


Just a thought, and you probably are already doing this, have you de-scaled it. I have hard water, and when mine starts acting up, and the pump sounds loader, I know it is time to de-scale. If you haven't done this, here is a link. It a PDF file.

De-Scaling the Keurig




I descaled and really cleaned it out good two weeks ago.  I only use bottled water in it so that isn't really a problem anyways.  I just figured it was ready for a good cleaning. 

Cleaning is one of my cons on the Keurig.  It is hard to get to some of the parts  inside where the coffee runs through. 




I just got a statement from Keurig.  I have 480 pts.  I used to buy from them and didn't even think about the fact that I might have points.   I'm half way to that coffee maker ;D  I guess I better start buying from them again.



Deb, if you like strong coffee I just bought a box from Timothy's called "Parisian Nights, Extra Bold", it is quite good.



Thanks Norman

I'll have to try that one


The strong coffee post perked up my ears.  I had no idea what you were talking about until I went to the Keurig site just now.  Now I know what you all have been talking about.  I love those machines, but did not know you could get one for the home - have only used one at a Christian School I do some volunteer work for.  Immediately and emphatically has been put on the "WANT" list.  Although lack of countertop space will probably cause me to put it somewhere else other than the kitchen. I have partaken of a number of cups of their Caribou Sumatra coffee.  Tasty.  Did not know thay had teas, so looked through the list, but did not find a Lapsang Souchong - sad!
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: Caneyscud on June 24, 2009, 06:06:02 AM
The strong coffee post perked up my ears.  I had no idea what you were talking about until I went to the Keurig site just now.  Now I know what you all have been talking about.  I love those machines, but did not know you could get one for the home - have only used one at a Christian School I do some volunteer work for.  Immediately and emphatically has been put on the "WANT" list.  Although lack of countertop space will probably cause me to put it somewhere else other than the kitchen. I have partaken of a number of cups of their Caribou Sumatra coffee.  Tasty.  Did not know thay had teas, so looked through the list, but did not find a Lapsang Souchong - sad!

You can purchase a My K-Cup, you should also get extra filters. It is an accessory so that you can use your own favorite coffee or tea or cocoa.


Habanero Smoker

Quote from: deb415611 on June 24, 2009, 02:56:31 AM

I just got a statement from Keurig.  I have 480 pts.  I used to buy from them and didn't even think about the fact that I might have points.   I'm half way to that coffee maker ;D  I guess I better start buying from them again.

I missed this post. That's great. When you get to 500 you get the 15% discount. It won't be long now; before you get you new machine.



Quote from: Habanero Smoker on June 24, 2009, 02:18:36 PM
Quote from: deb415611 on June 24, 2009, 02:56:31 AM

I just got a statement from Keurig.  I have 480 pts.  I used to buy from them and didn't even think about the fact that I might have points.   I'm half way to that coffee maker ;D  I guess I better start buying from them again.

I missed this post. That's great. When you get to 500 you get the 15% discount. It won't be long now; before you get you new machine.

I have 40 pts on another email address.   I'm trying to get them to combine the two accounts.

I hope the old one lasts for another 500 pts.  It's starting to sound funky every once in awhile.

Smokin Soon

They have the b-40 model at Wallymart, whats the trade-off?


Quote from: Smokin Soon on June 24, 2009, 03:06:42 PM
They have the b-40 model at Wallymart, whats the trade-off?

Nothing wrong with the b-40.  It has two cup sizes and 48 oz water tank.  The platinum has 5 cup sizes, two which are smaller than the smallest of the b-40 and a 60 oz tank.