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PID Ribs

Started by JF7FSU, August 16, 2009, 09:14:48 PM

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I used my new PID @ 225, and used 4 hours of Mesquite, boated for 1 hour, then sauced at 300 for 30 minutes and finally  rested for about 20 minutes and then ate!  They came out real good.  I was a little surprised they were not more smokey tasting after 4 hours of mesquite.  I thought they were kind of mild for my first mesquite smoke.   

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those look awesome, might have to have a midnight snack on left-over ribs from yesterday


Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


Look pretty good. Just wondering though did you add any juice when you boated? and did you cover them so they would steam some? The reason I ask is the meat didn't pull back very far from the bone tips in the pictures.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Just my 2 cents, I've recently done babybacks using 10.5's instructions and all have come out great. I did some yesterday using pecan. I have also done them with mesquite and apple. I found that at least to my taste, the was alot more smoke flavor to them than the other two. Also, what i did was after the boating with apple juice, I put them back in the smoker to stiffen back up some; but I applied 40 minutes of smoke to them at the same time i was doing some corn on the cobb.  They came out tasty as heck. By the way, I will post pics tonight when i get home from work.  :)


@ 10.5 - I boated them for a little more than an hour with apple juice and covered in the foil tin.  after I sauced them I hit broil for a few minutes to glaze the top.   They were babybacks, and had a nice fat ribbon on them.  The ends pulled back but I see what you mean.  I thought 4 hours of smoke and 1 hour of boating wouldve done more.  I set the PID for 225 and use the internal mount.  I did notice the Bradley thermometer read slightly over 200.

@ mike.corn 1- I will try pecan I was dissapointed in the mesquite on the ribs.
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Your ribs look delish, nice looking sauce job

Pecan is what i like best on pork, the next day the smoke flavor will be stronger

Hopefull Romantic

Holly Molly they look great. Great Job.

Just for the record I just ordered some baby backs and a side of ham. They should be delivered by the end of the week. Here in Jordan pork is not readily available and you have to special order it from speciality farms. I look forward to try 10.5's method on them.

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.



Which PID do you use?  Pro's/ Con's???

They look lip smacking!  Home made sauce or store bought?

Ray............stack of napkins always at the ready.
If you can't smoke it.....you don't need it!!!


I bought the Auber PID.  Unless you build your own I think it's the way to go.  I used a sauce from a joint called Rib Country in Murphy, NC, it was sweet and mild.

Auber PID
Seamless integration
plug and play
easy programming
Can be used for Sous Vide
#1 customer service

short power cord

I also noticed the PID keeps the temp exactly where it needs to be on the top shelf but I believe the bottom shelf is hotter.  I had my PID set to 225 and the OBS thermometer was registering around 210 which is located near the front.
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Your ribs look really good.  Curious about one thing.  Were you there with the smoker pretty much the whole time?  There is such a thing as "flavor" or "smoke" fatigue.  After a while being around the smoke the entire time your taste buds will go sort of neutral and you won't smell or taste the smoke on the meat like the folks you are feeding.  Could be one possible solution.  In my amateur opinion, 4 hours of smoke would have been way more than necessary.  I generally smoke ribs for around 3 hours.

I'm sure they tasted great.  They sure looked great.  Give it another try.  Being from Kentucky I have to tell you......ribs and pork butts... there is but one wood and that would be HICKORY!!!  Now, bacon and pork loin I do love me some apple on those.

Have fun and don't sweat it,


I pretty much set the PID and left it for 4 hours.  Pretty strange actually, I have read so much about how strong mesquite was and I thought it was milder than an apple wood brisket I smoked.  I'm an amateur so I guess I still have a lot to learn !  Or maybe as some others have said, there may be better choices than mesquite for ribs. 
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I think you did fine.  I have found that sometimes things just turn out differently even though you have done exactly the same thing many times before.  Sometimes the planets and stars simply don't line up.  Try it again and see if you get the same results.  If you do, we may need to autopsy further but your technique sounded pretty good to me.

Some folks just prefer a smokier taste.



Sometimes its just the meat your working with

Everything you did was correct, try it again with maybe only 3 hr smoke