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"E-1" display message, can't get started!

Started by nbrownlaw, August 29, 2009, 03:58:43 PM

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I just brought home a new digital smoker, and when I tried to season it, the display beeps and reads "E-1," how do I get started?


Here's a couple links that might help.

Welcome to the forum and I'm sure others will be by to help including Brian from Bradley.

Mr Walleye

Hi nbrownlaw and welcome to the forum.

Here is a link to the FAQ on the E1 error. It is the small sensor wire between the smoke generator and the main tower. Usually it's just not making a connection. Just unplug and replug it in a few times making sure it gets seated in correctly. You can also try reversing the wire which may help.



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Thanks for the prompt reply. I tried your tips and as recommended in the FAQ link without success. I may need to wait until Monday to speak directly with Bradley, but if you have anything further to try, I'm certainly willing. Thanks.

Mr Walleye

When you first fired it up was it working correctly, then displayed the E1 error? Or was it that way out of the box?

If it was that way out of the box I'm wondering if it's a loose connection in the circuit.


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


It happened right out of the box, so I'm thinking you're probably right.

Mr Walleye

I would give Bradley a call on Monday. They have excellent customer service and will resolve the issue for sure. Brian from Bradley is around the forum as well and with any luck he will see your post and may have some ideas to try as well.

Keep us posted how you make out.


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


Bradley Customer Service is Great, don't worry...

Welcome , Glad to have you with us.

This is the place to learn, lots of good info and helpful friendly Members.


MES 40" w/1200 Watt Element & Window
Bradley BSS

Bradley (Head Office)

Quote from: nbrownlaw on August 29, 2009, 03:58:43 PM
I just brought home a new digital smoker, and when I tried to season it, the display beeps and reads "E-1," how do I get started?


Sorry to hear your having troubles with your smoker
Just a couple things you can try

Try taking a piece of steel wool or super fine sandpaper to the ends of your sensor cable.
Also try wiggling the sensor cable up and down left and right  at each connection when the unit is turned on and beeping E1

If these don't help and you want to take the back off the tower and check for a loose connection.

Give the office a call on Monday if you cant get it working.


Thanks, Brian. That last bit was the charm. After removing the back of the tower, there indeed was a wire unconnected to the sensor wire jack. I am seasoning the smoker as I write. Thanks also to the other guys who posted helpful hints. They, too, spoke of responsive Bradley customer service, and your checking in and helping me out on a weekend proves their point. It can be disconcerting to make a large investment in a product and not have it work, but less hassle to be able to fix it myself rather dealing with a retail return/exchange. Thanks again, and I now have no doubt that our Labor Day BBQ will be a success!


Hello all, just purchased a digital and it has been giving me the "E1" error.  Have taken the back off, reconnected everything but still issues.

Twice now the smoker has made it up to around 100 degrees before dropping the E1.

So, faulty sensor?  Faulty cabling?  Or, god forbid, faulty smoker?

Will be calling customer support Monday but was hoping to smoke some salmon for dinner to tomorrow...


Check out the tips on the recipe site. http://www.susanminor.org/forums/showthread.php?t=481 Hope it helps but if not, contact Bradley, they will take care of you.

Mr Walleye

Hi Supplicate and welcome to the forum.

The E1 error is directly related to the sensor and/or cable. I would bet that because it works some of the time that it is one of the connections at the plug. I found the first few smokes with mine I would get the odd E1 error. Once I had a few smokes under my belt it never occurred again. The only thing I could come up with is that one of the plugs itself had a rough piece of plastic from the casting or something that caused it to not make connection every once in a while. Have a good look into the connectors and try wiggling them around with the smoker on and see if you can narrow the problem down.


Click On The Smoker For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes


Have been troubleshooting the smoker all evening.  It isn't the cable, it isn't the connector on the smoke generator side, 90% sure it isn't the connector on the tower side.

This is where it gets interesting; either the wires are too short or the sensor is bad.  If you take the back off and disconnect/reconnect the interior connect things will then work for a bit.  Takes about seven minutes for it to throw an E1.  But, on the other hand, it could be that at the temp after seven minutes the sensor is faulty.  Don't have any wire on hand so don't have any way to test either theory before tomorrow.


Supplicate, welcome and you are not alone. Bradley Co. and the wizards on this forum will have you up and running.
This will be just a faded memory in your past after that first great smoke.