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2 Pork Butts @ 27 hours

Started by centflasmoker, September 13, 2009, 08:06:32 AM

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I think I'm going for a new record for how long it takes to cook. I have had 2 butts in my 4 rack digital now for 27 hours and the IT is at 178 and going to 195. The weather here has upper 80's and very humid with some rain. Them temp I have the Bradley set at is 230 needless to say I've have to change the menu for the 1pm football party. look out Pizza here we come... This is unreal maybe if I'm lucky we'll have them for a late dinner tonight.   


How big are the butts?  How much is your vent open and finally what are you monitoring the box temp with?  27 hours is long but I've gone 25 hours or so so it's not all that crazy.  You could pull at 185 rather than going all the way to 195.



I would think 185-190 would be good, that is what I plan to pull at next butt I do.

KyNola has a couple good questions. Keep the vent open, 3/4 to full open.
Check the box temp with a probe, do not rely on the door thermometer.
Also when you probe the meat check several different places, in case you hit a fat pocket or something.
I do not think I have ever gone over 20 hours, even with a big butt.


Ok, the Vent has been full open the entire cook and the cabinet has been maintaining about 220. I got monitors on both butts and have been checking in other spots also. The butt's are 6and 7 pounds. The norm for me has been aveage of about 18 hrs I'm thinking it has a lot to do with the weather here in Florida...


Welcome to the forum centfla, that's a two day butt roast. you might have a record going. G/L


Quote from: classicrockgriller on September 13, 2009, 10:15:48 AM
Welcome to the forum centfla, that's a two day butt roast. you might have a record going. G/L

That the way it's looking, butt not what I was looking for. I decided to pull them off at 185, then FTC for dinner later tonight.


I know that all meats are a little different but I did a 15lb whole sirloin last week and monitored it will ftc-ing it and
the IT rose almost 10 degrees.


You're good to go!  It will pull just fine and you're going to burn your fingers pulling it but the pain will be oh so worth it.

Congrats my friend.  Oh yeah, football party?  Go Saints!



Welcome to the forum, as you can see, lots of help around here.



Quote from: KyNola on September 13, 2009, 10:50:39 AM
You're good to go!  It will pull just fine and you're going to burn your fingers pulling it but the pain will be oh so worth it.

Congrats my friend.  Oh yeah, football party?  Go Saints!


Yep the Saints are winning....


Quote from: classicrockgriller on September 13, 2009, 11:12:58 AM
be sure and post some pictures

Pics of the finished will be later tonight after the FTC.

Thanks from rainy Central Florida


It took me 36hrs on one, what happened the outside temp droped to -07F over nite, with a snow storm. was along slow smoke but will worth it.

Hopefull Romantic

Hey there CFS and welcome to the forum.

That is a courageous undertaking you are intending. Good luck. Where do you live in Central Florida. I lived in Altamonte Springs for 9 years and worked for Burdines.

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.


I lived in Jax for 13 yrs before coming back home to Texas.