I cant take it any more

Started by OU812, November 06, 2009, 06:16:28 AM

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Hopefull Romantic

OU it is still great news and I can only imagine what you were going through. It is har to see loved ones suffer.

Three months may sound like a long time and it may just be enough for you to plan all the great smokes you are going to make and have your father over after he gets well and back on his feet.

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.


I know it was tough but there is much to be thankful for. Sounds like he's recouping about as best he can.  Really good is they didn't have to put him on the bypass machine.  The two most critical times in that surgery are putting them on the bypass machine and then taking them off.

He's gonna be sore as hell for awhile but all in all sounds like he did really well.  Take a deep breath.  He's going to be fine.



Well put KyNola! you found the words I was looking for.

We'll keep praying for both of you, and the family.

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Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


OU, just walked in the door and this was the first thing I looked for and happy for the
success for your father and the support you recieved from friends on the forum. Keep
us posted.

Tiny Tim

Don't worry about the tears and the lump in your throat...they only prove how much you love him.  Nice to see you had a good visit with him, and that he'll be home soon.

La Quinta

He'll be fine OU...just remember to follow the doc's instructions...get him up and moving when they say it's appropriate. He's not gonna want to do it...but it's really important.


Hey OU just want you to know we're here for ya buddy. You can always unload on us. Glad to here your dad did well in the surgery. It will feel like this is the hardest part but the hardest part is really over. Be strong.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


Called the old man today just before lunch and he seemed to be in better spirits, as he was giving my step mom crap on how little he will be able to do when he gets home. They were joking around about shoveling the drive and my dad said every time he would give her the shovel all she would do is lean on it wile he was snow blowing the rest of the drive then he would have to take the shovel she was leaning on and finish the rest.

They pulled 2 of the tubes from around his lungs, still has 2 smaller tubes in there. Doc said that he might be able to go home towarrow. His blood pressure is still way to low and there is still fluid draining from around his heart. He says he is still in allot of pain, he says its like trying to breath with an elephant sitting on his chest.

The Doc was telling dad were they got the arteries from and that's why his chest was herting so bad. Get this they got the arteries from between his ribs and not from his legs, so not only was he split down the sternum he was split in between the ribs also. I told him well at least you wont have to worry about getting cold feet in the winter. He tried to laugh but it started to hurt and all he could do is chuckle.

Lunch came in so I let him go, he said they brought in a roast beef sammie that the meat was about an inch thick with some veggies and some jello looking crap. I'm just like him not much of a sweet eater, mainly meat and tater kind of a guy.


Sounds like good news OU!

Keep us in the loop.

We'll keep praying.
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


Thats some good news OU!  Getting home will probably do him a world of good....sounds like you better get him some better roast beef cooked up for a welcome home meal!  Thoughts still with ya!

Its amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can't do!


That Sounds Great OU!!! Good to hear he is in good spirits. Like somebody said "you just need an easy button now" to make things easier for you and him.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Glad to hear the good news OU, sounds like he is already on the road to recovery if he is crackin jokes and complaining. ;D ;D

Tell Him "GET WELL SOON".....from the BRADLEY FORUM.


So glad to hear good news OU!
Still in our prayers,



OU sorry missed your post. but sounds like your dad is doing ok
you will be prayers.
scott june