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Started by Mando, March 12, 2004, 05:49:27 PM

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Every time someone posts I get an email. Does anyone know how to turn this off? Thanks.


Mando go to the main board (original smoker) and at the top click on Subscription. It will then stop the E-mails. See pic below

Now you will have to to this to each board you have subscripted to.

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Chez Bubba

Thanks Olds.[:)]

Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


NP Chez Bubba. Seeing how Monday I get my BS I'm sure it will be my turn to ask some questions.

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I don't want to unsubscribe, I just don't want to get all those emails. Is there any other way. And by the way I am smoking a 6lb. briket and some ribs this weekend. I will post some pics if I get time. Thanks


Mando I think you missed the understand here of the word unsubscribe. You are not unsubscribing to these posting boards. <b><i>You are unsubscribing to recieving E-mails!</b></i>

I have not subscribed to any board. Yet I still post here.

Perhaps this will help. In FAQ you will find this following infromation:

<font color="green"><b>Can I be notified by e-mail when there are new posts?</font id="green"></b>

Yes, the Subscription feature allows you to subscribe to the entire Board, individual Categories, Forums and/or Topics, depending on what the administrator of this site allows. You will receive an e-mail notifying you of a post that has been made to the Category/Forum/Topic that you have subscribed to. There are four levels of subscription:

- Board Wide Subscription
If you can subscribe to an entire Board, you'll get a notification for any posts made within all the forums inside that board.

- Category Wide Subscription
You can subscribe to an entire Category, which will notify you if there was any posts made within any topic, within any forum, within that Category.

- Forum Wide Subscription
If you don't want to subscribe to an entire Category, you can subscribe to a single forum. This will notify you of any posts made within any topic, within that forum.

- Topic Wide Subscription
More conveniently, you can subscribe to just an individual topic. You will be notified of any post made within that topic.
Each level of subscription is optional. The administrator can turn On/Off each level of subscription for each Category/Forum/Topic.
To Subscribe or Unsubscribe from any level of subscription, you can use the "My Subscriptions" link, located near the top of each page to manage your subscriptions. Or you can click on the subscribe/unsubscribe icons ( ) for that Category/Forum/Topic you want to subscribe/unsubscribe to/from.

<font color="green"><b>So hit the Unsubscribe button and make yourself happy!</font id="green"></b>


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