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need a little advice, please

Started by ppm93l, June 19, 2010, 08:34:20 PM

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Hi, I am very new at this.  I got my bradley a couple weeks ago and I am about to give it my first go.  I am doing spareribs.  Can someone tell me more about the vent?  When I smoke the ribs, should the vent be open, closed or partially opened?  What difference will it make?  I am thinking about crown royal bisquettes, very little sauce.  Am I on the right track? 


Welcome ppm.  Leave the vent at least 1/2 open.  Being in Texas as hot as it is now, I leave mine all the way open.

Do you have a rub in mind?  Sauce only comes in at the end, if it at all.  I know someone will be here shortly with a link to several good ideas.  Most of us do spare ribs with 3 hrs of smoke at 225*, wrap the ribs in foil with a spritz of some liquid - probably apple juice for 2 hrs then unwrap and back in the smoker for 1 hr with sauce on the ribs.  The 3-2-1 method.

Make sure you pull the membrane off the back of the ribs first!



Welcome to the forum.  Very simple answer about the vent.  Open it.....WIDE.  Having worked with the Bradley for a while, I can't figure out why the vent is adjustable.  Close it down and the mosture collects in the tower, condensates and rains black nasty stuff on your meat and/or runs out the bottom of the door and holds the internal temp down.


READ that link CRG sent you.  Says it all.

Habanero Smoker

Hi ppm93l;

Welcome to the forum.

Here is a link that explains the vent adjustments. This will give you an idea until you better understand the smoker, until you learn what best works for your.
Vent adjustment.

Here are some other useful links:
Bradley FAQ's



Welcome ppm93l,

Looks like you've been taken care of so good luck!



Well, everyone, thanks for your info and welcome. :)  We had the ribs for supper tonight and I have to say they were great.  Followed your advice, left the vent wide open and we had the most tender, tasty supper.  Also, put some sausages in the smoker and they are now chilling and waiting for us.

We will become more adventurous, I am sure. but for now, it was great.

thanks again.


Glad it worked out for you ppm.  Get some pictures next time.  Its ok.   Family will understand after a few posts!