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Brisket Attempt # 4

Started by waterkc, August 17, 2010, 08:55:21 AM

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Hey ya'll.

Well I am going to run another brisket this Friday. Well I am actually going to do a Brisket, two Chickens, and, a couple of Fatty's. I think if I am going to fire up the Bradley might as well stuff it full. The Brisket is going to be a 9#'r and has been sitting with Salt\Lemon Pepper\Garlic\Onion powders on it since Sunday. Just sitting in the fridge soaking it up. I am thinking about putting the brisket on the top rack, two fatty's on the second rack down, and then the chickens on the third from top. The Chickens are usually about 5#'s each and will be done with Salt\Pepper\Garlic\Onion and o yeah more Garlic. The Fatty's are about 2#'s each and will be done with spicy rud, nothing to fancy for them. So about 23lbs of meat in the BDS, ye-haw. I can only guess on how long this is going to take. I need to have it ready for Saturday at 10:00am (this includes the FTC time).

1.5hrs per lbs = 34hrs. That can't be right, I hope not. I would make and assumption that with all that meat it would make for a quicker smoke seeing as how the smoker will stay steadier with all that meat heating up. But what the heck do I know. hehe

I am thinking about putting the stuff in on Thursday at 11:00pm. let it roll @ 220° until done. Check the temps and see where we are with things. If its not going well I will move to the oven in foil and finish the rest there prior to FTC. Four hours of Oak is my choice for this go round.

any suggestions?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. - Abraham Lincoln."


It should not take 34 hours.

You can't really add the time up like that since you don't have a 23lb chunk of meat. You don't calculate it on one piece either, you sort of add 50% as a cushion.

I'm thinking 20-24 hours or so.

start time? I'm thinking early Friday morning. at least for the brisket. Chickens take 4-5 hours max, fatty 2-3 hours.
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I personally would not do the fatties with the rest of the meat. When I do fatties, I have the BDS temp alot higher than what I would be setting it at for a brisket.
Are your fatties wrapped in bacon? If so you will want to crisp it up.
OR finish on the BBQ



Kinda like what FLBR said. Start the brisket on Friday 10 am and then

move it to the oven while you do the chicken and the fatties EARLY

Saturday morn.


Thanks Lad's as always.
So here is the brisket. Sitting and waiting, just waiting. Muhaa!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. - Abraham Lincoln."


looks good  cant wait till the  end


Hey Gent's,

Well I have to say I suck! I didn't get any more images of the meat through the stages, just way to much going on with the smoke, two small children and working during the smoke, etc. I know I know full of excuse's.

The end result was awesome. The Turkey was great, Chicken was same as always. The brisket was just a smidgen on the dry side. I pulled it at 180 and FTC'd overnight. Stared it at 6:00pm and it was done the following Day at 1:pm. Cooked it on top wrack with Smoker at 220. It was great don't get me wrong,  but still want more from it. I had a suggestion of coking it to and IT of 160° and then let it sit in the FTC. I have never heard of so low. I am going to give it a try just to see what happens.

I took the Chicken and Turkey out at IT in the dark of 160° and it was juicy, tons of juice. Next time I will do better on the photos.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. - Abraham Lincoln."

Uncle Pigfat

If you pull it at 160* I doubt it'll have the time needed for all the magic to happen and you'll end up with a tough piece of meat since you won't be breaking down a lot of the connective tissue.  I'm sure someone that is more qualified than me can provide a more suitable answer but my bets are you'll be throwing it back in to keep on cooking if you try to eat it that early, even with FTCing.


Pulling at 160 °F is about the point that collagen is just beginning to gelatinize.  If you don't go any higher, I doubt you will find it very appealing.

I have evolved my brisket cooking on the DBS @ 240 -250 °F to ~ 165 °F with smoke, then finishing in a foil covered aluminum roasting pan at 250-275 where I punch in about 4 small steam vents, no added liquid, until tender by a "fork test".  As Pachanga, Caney and CRG, three brisket masters, have ail pointed out it' done when it's done by a tenderness test.

One thought on your recent result.  Many of the grocery store briskets are USDA Select grade.  My experience is those are hard to slow cook completely naked and achieve a combination of tender and moist.  They have little marbeling so if slow cooked until the magic tender stage there is little to leave that nice moist mouth fell that comes from internal fat and gelatin after most of the natural water-based moisture is gone.  I suggest that if possibler you vary the grade you're working with and see of that makes a difference.
I like animals, they taste good!

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Hey Thanks for all the info, I have to say I think this last cut was a good one. The meat again was not bad, I think I just want the perfect one. hehe....

So I didn't notice if this was Choice or Select. I think it was Select to be honest but I can't be sure. I usually get Choice and then Prime when I can find it. Seems that its a bit harder to find here in SoCal.

I will let ya know what comes of the next round. again going to make some changes to the lay out see how well that helps. This meat did bend in half and touch end to end with out much effort. So it had a decent fat content.

I will say thanks to Uncle Pigfat for the Dalmatian suggestion. I will not do them any other way from  now on.

thanks again for all the feed back, this weekend I am doing ribs.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. - Abraham Lincoln."

Uncle Pigfat

I'm more than happy to be of service when I can, but I really don't know what this damnation method you speak of is. I don't want t take credit for someone elses expertise  :)


Well then i am mosey about that. Maybe it was flatbndr.   Ohmmeter. Now that's. Going toe drive me nuts. Salt/pepper or dalmation style.

Anywyas thanks to whom ever it was
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. - Abraham Lincoln."


Quote from: waterkc on August 24, 2010, 09:57:53 PM
Well then i am mosey about that. Maybe it was flatbndr.   Ohmmeter. Now that's. Going toe drive me nuts. Salt/pepper or dalmation style.

Anywyas thanks to whom ever it was

I hope you aren't the designated driver. ;D


 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D



stupid handheld devices are just a mess, and yeah I had a few when I did that. DOH!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. - Abraham Lincoln."