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Did some ribs for work

Started by devo, August 08, 2011, 06:19:19 PM

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My crew of 5 men have been asking for smoke ribs, so being the nice bossman that I am I smoked up two good size slabs of ribs for work tonight. I FTC them into work but once here I decided to keep them warm in a VERY LARGE OVEN.  :)

This is the start of the dryer section on the high speed news print machine I run. The steam going intop the dryer cans is about 295*F so it stays nice and toasty inside the dryers.

One dryer section

Doors open and the stairs leading up to where its the hottest. And it is friggen hot  :P

Tried to get a pic of the tin foil container up in the dryers but the heat was just to much for the camera.

The finished ribs were very good and everyone is smiling  :) :) :)

Now thats what I call FTCing at its finest.  ;)
The best part of smoking is sharing your rewards.



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(2) - Stainless Steel 4 Rack's with Dual probe PID
1- Digital, 6 Rack
(2) Bradley Cold Smoke Attachment
(2) Backwoods Smokers
(1) Chicken Little




Wow.  Must be one heck of a printer.  I wonder what I could cook on my printer? Hmmm...


It is FUN to share. Nice going.


Quote from: StickyDan on August 08, 2011, 09:56:44 PM
Wow.  Must be one heck of a printer.  I wonder what I could cook on my printer? Hmmm...

Hey Dan its not that kind of a paper machine. We make the newsprint paper so you local newspaper has something to print on.  ;)

Heres a picture of the front end of the machine with the big rolls of newsprint getting ready to be shipped out


Great lookin' ribs and impressive plant.  How heavy is a finished roll of news print?  They look mammoth.
Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.


Devo great lookin ribs, sure makes for some better working conditions...lol
Digital Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
The Big Easy with Srg grill
MAK 2 Star General
Char Broil gas grill


Great looking ribs and ingenius way to keep them warm.

Do you work for a New Page facility by chance?


Quote from: KyNola on August 09, 2011, 07:37:36 AM
Great looking ribs and ingenius way to keep them warm.

Do you work for a New Page facility by chance?

No the company is called AbitibiBowater. The just came out of bankruptcy and I will tell you the cut backs are unreal. Hard to run a company without the proper support. When I started there we had 1700 employees, now we are down to 540 people.


KyNola since you asked about the company I thought it would be cool to give you the low down.  ;D  Perhaps to much info but here it is.

The Great Lakes Paper Company was the operator of the largest and most modern pulp and paper manufacturing facility in the world. The Company employed over 4,000 in Northern Ontario, starting in 1924 as a pulp mill at Fort William, Ontario (now Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada). Great Lakes had a highly developed social network within the company, including a children's Christmas party held at a local arena, and an annual picnic held at a local park, as well as many sports teams and other social groups.

Great Lakes fell victim to trends in the pulp and paper industry in Northern Ontario over the past 15-20 years. Factors in the decline of Great Lakes and the pulp and paper industry in general included trends in advertising, electronic data transmission and storage and the Internet, all of which continue to have adverse effects on traditional print media. Newspaper, magazine and catalog publishing customers increasingly use other forms of media and advertising and electronic data transmission and storage, including television and the Internet, instead of paper products. North American newsprint demand has been in decline for several (annual declines of 5.6% in 2005, 6.1% in 2006, 10.3% in 2007, 11.2% in 2008 and 25.3% in 2009). Forecasts indicate that these declines in newsprint demand could continue for several years.

As well, negative impacts on the survival of the Company included increases in global newsprint capacity, particularly in China and Europe, which resulted in lower prices, volumes or both for the Canadian industry's exported products.

The relationship between industry supply and demand for forest products, rather than changes in the cost of raw materials, determines the industry's ability to increase prices. Consequently, the industry has been unable to pass along increases in operating costs to its customers.

The major factors contributing to the ultimate merger and demise of the Company are:

• Energy prices, particularly for electricity, natural gas and fuel oil, which have been volatile in recent years.

• Wood fiber costs--wood fiber is the principal raw material used in the business. The primary source for wood fiber is timber. Environmental litigation and regulatory developments have caused significant reductions in the amount of timber available for commercial harvest in Canada. The Province of Ontario has been reluctant to approve new cutting rights pursuant to the Company's forest licenses and forest management agreements. Legislation and litigation advanced by Aboriginal groups and litigation concerning the use of timberlands, the protection of endangered species, the promotion of forest biodiversity and the response to and prevention of catastrophic wildfires have also affected timber supplies.

Control of the Great Lakes Paper, a long-standing publicly owned company changed over the years and in 1974 was acquired by Canadian Pacific Limited ("CP"). CP changed the Company's name to Great Lakes Forest Products. It was later amalgamated with Canadian International Paper Company becoming Canadian Pacific Forest Products and later spun off as Avenor. In 1998 the Company was acquired by Bowater becoming Bowater Forest Products. In 2007 Bowater and Abitibi-Consolidated merged forming AbitibiBowater.

In 2009 the newsprint portion of the Thunder Bay plant was idled indefinitely leaving only one line of the kraft mill operating and forcing the layoffs of several hundred employees. On April 16, 2009 Bowater filed for bankruptcy protection in the United States and underwent a restructuring. AbitibiBowater now trades as an over-the-counter stock. In February 2010, the largest remaining paper machine (#5) was restarted. In addition, the company renegotiated labor agreements; resized the workforce; rolled out a wage reduction across the woodlands operations; and renegotiated its power agreement. The combined changes resulted in a cash cost savings at the mill of over $150 per ton and AbitibiBowater believes Thunder Bay is now one of the lowest cash cost mills in the industry.

Historical Time LineJuly 4, 1919 Organization of Great Lakes Paper Company Limited by Lewis L. Alstead and George A. Seaman; issue of letters patent
1920 acquires a proposed mill site adjoining Fort William, Ontario; acquires rights to Black Sturgeon and other timber limits
1923 Construction commences on groundwood mill
1924 First groundwood produced
1927-1929 Backus Brooks Enterprises of Minneapolis acquired the company and began erection of a paper mill.
1927 Construction commences on newsprint mill with two paper machines. One machine to be largest in world
1928 Operation of first newsprint machine "Judy"
1929 Operation of second newsprint machine "Jumbo" then the world's largest; mill consdered to be most modern paper manufacturing facility in the world.
1931 Enters receivership due to parent company, Ontario-Minnesota entering receivership owing Great Lakes $2-million
1935/1936 Group of 25 U.S. publishers purchases company from receiver; Ontario letters patent issued
1937 Woods department established reduce costs and establish control over wood delivery
1940 Acquires Dog River, Lac des Mille Lacs and English River timber limits
1953 Fox family of Montreal attains management control of company; executive offices moves to Fort William
1957 Number 3 paper machine "Jill" begins production
1958 Completed Paper Machine 4 "Jupiter" built by Black Clawson Company; at the time the largest paper machine in the world
1960 Horses no longer used in logging operations
1966 "A" Kraft mill begins operation
1973 New Kraft pulp mill
1974 began to operate a 32-rail car capacity ferry, the Incan Superior, between Thunder Bay and Superior, Wisconsin on Lake Superior. The service ran until 1992
1979 Canadian Pacific Investments purchases 54% after Fox family puts shares on market; name changed to Great Lakes Forest Products Ltd. (name changes to reflect company's expansion and diversification -- newsprint, kraft pulp, stud lumber, waferboard; (latter two products no longer manufactured at this location); purchase of Reed Paper in Dryden, Ontario.
1988 Canadian Pacific Forest Products Ltd. "CPFP" (result of merger between CIP Inc., Montreal, and Great Lakes Forest Products Ltd., Thunder Bay)
1990 Number 5 Paper Machine "Theresa Marie" part of a $500 million expansion/modernization program, was built to replace the now-defunct Paper Machines 1 & 2
1994 Avenor Inc. (publicly-owned Company; CP Ltd. no longer majority shareholder: name change was inspired by the Latin root for advantage, meaning "going forward" and from the word, "north." Prior to the merger, Canadian Pacific Ltd. owned CIP and held 54.3% of Great Lakes with the rest owned by public shareholders. In September 1993, Canadian Pacific Ltd. divested itself of its majority ownership by selling all of its 36.7 million common shares in CPFP. Consequent to the sale, the company changed its name to Avenor Inc. Under Avenor, the Thunder Bay site saw the addition of the introduction of recycled fiber into and the rebuild/streamlining of its groundwood operation. A comprehensive modernization program upgraded the facilities to the top ranks of North American mills from both a quality and cost standpoint. Deinking equipment give the facility capacity for 992,000 tpy of newsprint with a recycled fiber content level of 20%.
1998 Bowater Pulp and Paper Canada Inc. (through the acquisition of Avenor Inc., July 24, 1998, Bowater became the second largest producer of newsprint in the world and the third largest producer of market pulp in North America)
2002 Bowater Canadian Forest Products Inc. January 1, 2002, amalgamation of two of Bowater's subsidiaries, Bowater Pulp and Paper Canada Inc. and Bowater Canadian Forest Products Inc. (formerly Alliance Forest)
2007 Bowater Inc. completed combination with Abitibi-Consolidated to become AbitibiBowater on October 29th.
2009 AbitibiBowater files for bankruptcy protection in the U.S. and completes a restructuring.

Clearing the site in 1924

Contruction on #1&2 paper machine (Nick named: Judy & Jumbo

#1 Paper Machine Dryer Section being built

#1 &2 Paper Machine

3 & 4 Paper machine (Nick named: Jill & Jupiter

Number 5 Paper Machine, the only paper machine remaining (Nick named:"Theresa Marie")

The mill yard pretty much as it is today.

Smokin Soon

I got the opportunity to tour one of those newspaper mills, pretty cool stuff. My Dad was a General Mgr of a Detroit newspaper in the 60's, and one of the mills flew us up to Canada to tour the mill and then off to there private lodge that was only accessable by seaplane. I could not even tell you now where the mill was or the lodge. I think I was like 10 or 11 at the time. I do remember that as being my first exposure to Cajun food as all of the staff were Cajun French.


Cool. I remember making paper for Detriot Free Press I believe it was. Somewhere along the line we lost the order to some other mill. Most of our custumers are close by us. Saves on shipping costs. Some of the big custumers are Chicago Tribune,Minneapolis , Grand Rapids Davenport, Slayton, Rochester,Spencer, Brainerd, Kankakee just to mention a few.


Neat write up of the history Devo.  About 20 miles from me is a New Page facility, formerly Westvaco.  The workings all look amazingly the same.