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Started by sfgascott, January 02, 2006, 04:40:06 AM

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Hello everyone, I am new here and this is my first post. I just wanted to share my success story here. I recently got a SS BS and today was my very first attempt at smoking anything. So what did I do? I went straight for the gusto -  baby back ribs![:D] After reading some of the posts on here I wasn't sure I could get the "fallin' off the bone" ribs I love so much, but to my amazement I did just that. I just wanted to share this info on the forum for anyone who is wanting to do ribs, and might be a little intimidated like I was. You can relax- it was easier than I thought. Now it didn't go completely without stress, so Ill give you a run down of what I did.

5:00am - Turned on the BS and adjusted the temp lever to about 3/4, pulled the baby back ribs out of the fridge, and rinsed them off in the sink. I then laid down a nice big piece of foil on the counter and let them set for about an hour while waiting for the temp to rise in the BS. During this time I gave the ribs a nice rub down with Mcormick "grill mates" pork rub.

6:00am - The temp in the BS was at 200f, so I put the ribs in. Now I loaded the BS to maximum capacity with 9 slabs of baby backs.[:0] Now I have read on here not to let the meat touch the sides of the BS or the drippings will miss the tray and you will have a mess. I had loaded about 15 hickory bisquettes in the hopper prior. Filled the water bowl 3/4 full with hot water. I had the vent 1/4 open. Of course the temp dropped in the BS. That was to be expected.

8:00am - Starting to get worried. The temp has not come back up yet in the BS. Hovering at 120f.

9:00am - Temp still at 120f. Worried some more. This doesn't seem right. Adjust the temp lever all the way to the right.

10:00am - Temp is now at 150f. What is going on? I'm freaking out! I have 25 people coming to my house at 3:00pm and my temp is only at 150f![:(!] I close the vent completely.

12:00pm - The temp finally reaches 200f. Now I know from reading on this forum that I need to smoke these babies at 210f for at least 4 hours and continue to cook for a couple of hours more with no smoke just to get them done. I'm thinking now that I am going to have to wrap these things up in foil and finish them up in the oven at 300f just to get them done in time. I change the water in the bowl.

1:00pm - Well the temp finally made it up to 210f. GEEZ! it's about time!

2:00pm - Ok, the temp is still at 210f. I open the door on the BS and OMG!!!!! These things look awesome![:p] I push on one of the rib bones with my index finger and it separates from the meat. OOOHHHH YEAHHHHH BABY!!!!!! These are going to be awesome! I pull one shelf out at a time, splashing them with a dose of apple juice and wrapping them up in foil, then a towel, then into the igloo cooler they went. All nine racks, and they were all "fallin' off the bone" tender.

3:30 - I pulled them out of the cooler and loaded them up in lasagna pans and put them on the table. They smelled incredible and tasted even better! I did it! I got fallin' off the bone ribs on my very first smoke!

Just a not on the temp.- I live in Oklahoma and we get 20-30 mph winds all the time. Today thge outside temp was close to 70f and we got winds of up to 60 mph. From what I have read, this affects the temps in the BS and I'm sure it was the cause of all my worries.

I just want to thank all of the people who have posted here. I'm sure I wouldn't have been so successful today without your help.



Congratulations on your success. Your a brave man doing that many ribs on your first smoke. You made me hungry for ribs, guess that will be on the menu next weekend.[:p]

<i><font color="blue"><b>Jack</i></font id="blue"></b>



Welcome to the forum. Keep those success stories coming. I think you forgot the adult beverages part of the receipe. I'd be drinkin' if the anxiety level started to rise.[:D]



Welcome, Mark--what a great story!  You're braver than I am  to try that many ribs on your first smoke . . . guess it's a real tribute to the "low and slow" concept.

Newton MA
Newton MA


Ditto to JJC

My first ribs were burnt offerings that were so hot(Spicy), they were inedible....well, maybe with more beer to put out the fire![:D]

Have gotten a lot better at it now, but you did well, ribs are definitely a challenge.  Now the key is to repeat history the next time!


<i>There is room on earth for all God's creatures....on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.</i>
There is room on earth for all God's creatures....right on my plate next to the mashed potatoes.


Dang Son you make us proud of you... glad it worked out.

Next try something simple like our bacon chicken wrapped BEAST LOL


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Phone Guy

I gotta go get me some babby backs![:p]


Great story and they sound great.  

Brave man.  Did you lose a lot of smoke due to the wind also?  I guess closing the vent helped to retain some.

Where I am at we do get a dgo amount of wind, but not that much.

The Medina's in Maryland's Eastern Shore
Coming to you from the DelMarVa (US East Coast that is)

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Thanks everyone, Iknowwood- I used 15 bisquettes. Also, I forgot to mention- I did not peel off the membrane as some have suggested and they came out tender anyway.



I did the same thing (or didn't) to the membrane on the ribs.  I tried once it did not move the way I expected and just put them in.  

Still came out great.  Sure the membrane made it a little annoying when eating but OK.  I will try better next time.

The Medina's in Maryland's Eastern Shore
Coming to you from the DelMarVa (US East Coast that is)

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