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History Of This Great Site

Started by car54, January 26, 2012, 08:34:03 AM

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I have been meaning to post this for a long time but I think that you should know the depth and history of the Bradley Forum.  I have been a member since 7/17/04. It is an extremely friendly and helpful forum with many extremely knowledgeable people posting. Occasionally there is a squabble but those are rare. This board has regional smoke outs, Christmas exchanges and Iron Chef Competitions. Many people have anonymously helped other members out. There is much charity offered.
I am not quite sure of when or how it was started. Right now it has a total of 10689 members with 314528 posts. Two names come to my memory that I believe were instrumental for this board becoming what it is Olds (oldman) and Chez Bubba. I believe that they might be able to fill you on the history. Other long time members that I recall are Iceman, kummok, mallardwacker, nsxbill, arc n spark, habanero smoker and others. Don't feel hurt if your name is not here, I don't remember everything.

I searched through the data base, which can be very interesting and found that the oldest post is from Barb. Here is a link. 


Also, here a link to the site statistics.


There are some notable unique characters on this forum. Two of them that stand out are owrstrich and agent provocateur.

There are also newer members that keep on making this forum what it is and I want to thank all of you, past, present and future.
Any comments or insights would be appreciated.



Interesting post Brad.  I remember owrstrich and agent provocateur very well.  I always looked forward to their posts.  A number of other really interesting folks have gone their own way too.  I miss 'em.
Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.


Good post

Owr and AP i do believe are the same entity.

Chez drops in from time to time, Sparkler does sometimes. nsx i heard wasnt doing good, Ice is here when he aint so busy, MallardW i aint seen in sometime, Raye is here on and off.



Owr and Ap are not the same but alternate personalities.


Habanero Smoker

There may have been posts prior to your link. I recall when they migrated to forum to another server, may posts were lost.

I remember JJC, was very involved, and tried to organize the first smoke out back around 2005. The earliest member who signed up is Ann; 2003-02-02, but there are no post listed for her.



good post, there are a lot of good members out here including the above named


Before I found this forum the only reason I had the Bradley was for smoking salmon and beef jerky ::). I have learned a lot from the members on this forum and continue to this day. I raise my glass to those I learned from ;D ;D ;D.

Catch it,Kill it,Smoke it.


Very nice history post.  I am new here compared to the pioneers so thank you to all of you guys and gals who blazed the trail for the rest of us.  I have learned more than I could have ever imagined.  More importantly, I have made some of the greatest friends I could ever ask for.  Some I have met.  Some I have not yet had the honor to meet face to face but they are still my greatest friends.


Wow I am surprised that I am #10 in the top 10 posts. This is interesting stuff. I wondered about the beginning of time, for the forum that is.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


And lets not forget members who have fallen below the radar due to lifes happenings.

Please feel free to add cuz i been having to many DOS XX  :o

smoking duck
West texas


Lots of great memories on this forum and the friends Ann and I have met you couldn't put a price on. We kind of joke about it but it seems everywhere we go we run into a forum member (even out of the country) or at least they have heard about the forum. I admit I get busy at times and drop off the radar but I still enjoy "coming back home".  :) This is without a doubt the best forum there is and the members are what drive it to the top.  ;)
Out of all the years here I've only had problems with one bad apple and they are no longer part of this great family. The generosity and caring of the people here is proof that good, honest folks are still around.  :)
Thanks again everyone for making this such a great place to be a part of.


QuoteThis is without a doubt the best forum there is and the members are what drive it to the top.  ;)
Out of all the years here I've only had problems with one bad apple and they are no longer part of this great family. The generosity and caring of the people here is proof that good, honest folks are still around.  :)
Thanks again everyone for making this such a great place to be a part of.

What Pat says ...... sums it up nicely!  :)


Quote from: manxman on January 27, 2012, 11:57:01 AM
QuoteThis is without a doubt the best forum there is and the members are what drive it to the top.  ;)
Out of all the years here I've only had problems with one bad apple and they are no longer part of this great family. The generosity and caring of the people here is proof that good, honest folks are still around.  :)
Thanks again everyone for making this such a great place to be a part of.

What Pat says ...... sums it up nicely!  :)



Well thank you everyone and your welcome........what.......what do you mean they weren't specifically talking to me.......oh I thought the voices in my head were actually talking to me alone. So sorry everybody. I digress and proceed to my corner. Sorry...again. I will just be over here.....by myself......in the corner. If anyone wants me..............ok bye ......for now.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.