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Making some Bologna tomorrow any one used Leggs mix

Started by Sailor, June 16, 2012, 04:15:02 PM

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Get a package of Legg's Blend 125 for some Bologna/Frankfurter and going to mix up a batch of 5 pounds.  I have never used this blend before.  Package says net Wt 14oz and makes 25 pounds.  I figure 2.8 to 3 oz will make 5 pounds.  Sound bout right to you guys?

I plan to run the GB thru the grinder a few time using the fine plate then mix and stuff.  Will put the meat in the freezer between grinding to keep the fat from rendering.  1st try at Bologna so if you gots some ideas, I'm all ears.

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.



Will be watching this one. I have a package of that seasoning myself just haven't gotten around to trying it just yet.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Put the grinder (not the motor) in the freezer too.  ;)

Cant wait ta see the money shot.


So this is what I did.  Last night I took 5 pounds of Costco 88/12 and cut the meat into strips that would fit into the throat of the grinder.  I layered the strips on aluminum foil and put them in the freezer.  This morning I cut each strip into 1/4 inch pieces.  Then I ground the frozen GB.  Ground it through the fine plate.  Motor lugged down at times but that happened because I tried to force more meat in than it could handle.  After the 1st grind I made up little balls of the ice cold grind and ran them through the grinder again.  The 2nd grind really did the job and the meat was still very very cold.  Then I took 3/4 cup of water and mixed 1tsp of Cure #1 and dissolved it.  Then I weighed out 2.8 oz of the Legg's mix and added it to the solution.  The mix all dissolved.  I hand mixed the meat and made sure it was mixed real good.  I soaked my fibrous casing for 15 min prior to stuffing.  Got all 5 pounds stuffed in the casing and used a hog ring to secure the bottom and then double folded the excess and tied it with butchers twine.  Don't want the hog ring to slip off  :o

Got the chub into the smoker around 9:30 to dry at 130 degrees and will be putting 3 to 5 hrs of Hickory on.  Will ramp temps 10 degrees every 2 hrs and bring the IT to 152.

Chub in to get some drying time.

Be back later for updates.

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.

Kevin A

I smoke my bologna anywhere from 2-3 hours (130-145°) with heavy smoke. Then poach it in a <165° hot water bath until it reaches the desired IT of 152°.
For ring size (2 to 2-1/2" diameter) that takes only about 20-30 minutes. For bigger chubs, allow more time. This 9-pound bologna behemoth took nearly two hours of light poaching... :P

Had I finished it in the smoker instead of the poach, it may have taken another 6-8 hours (or more)...



Looking good Jim. Nice tight stuffing job. I think it is a good idea to give the bottom tie just that little extra. I would hate to see that thing  come undone. I will be watching this one.


Thanks for the info Kevin.  I will finish this chub off in the smoker since I stuffed it too big to go into the roaster.

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.


Got the smoke a rolling around 11am.

For this smoke I will be using the A-Maz-N pellet smoker.  Got it loaded for around 5 hours +

Got it lighted and smokin

Had to take the V-tray out cause the chub is too long.  I have the chub hang forward and close to the door.  The SG is turned off so I don't have any heat from it.  Got the PID temp prob hanging at the top thru the vent and using the meat prob for the bottom trying to keep a steady temp top to bottom.

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.




I got the chub hung at 9:30 this morning to dry at 130 degrees.  Cabinet had bumped up to 150 by 2pm and then we lost power  :o smoke was still rolling and I thought about getting the generator out but the power company said it would be back with in 30 min.  Cabinet temp dropped to 140 by the time the power came back on.  So I programed the PID to start up where we left off.  The chub got to IT of 151 at 9:30pm so she got an ice bath and is now blooming for a few hrs and then headed to the fridge for a day or so.  Hog Dang! It sure nuff smells like Bologna  ;D

Just out of the ice bath and blooming

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.


That is looking better and better. One long smoke.




Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!
