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Smoking a Brisket for Thanksgiving

Started by MrRaven, November 19, 2012, 07:15:16 PM

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Hey guys,

I am Canadian and planning to join my friends from the south and celebrate American thanksgiving. A good excuse to eat good food and watch football!!! So, I plan to smoke a brisket for thanksgiving. I have never smoked one before - yeah I know, don't know what has taken so long.

I have been reading all sorts of techniques, but it has seemed somewhat confusing. I was wondering if I could get you guys to share with me your techniques, from start to finish.

Some comments/questions:
- sounds like 225 is a good temp
- for people who do the Texas crutch and use a pan - do you do it for the whole time of smoking?
- how long do you smoke it in the total time of cooking?
- do you use a rub?
- do you mop it to keep it moist and how frequently?
- if you ftc, how long do you do with that?
- what is your favourite stuff to serve with brisket?

Thanks for any advice!!

Ka Honu

Quote from: MrRaven on November 19, 2012, 07:15:16 PM
Some comments/questions: Some comments/answers...

- sounds like 225 is a good temp Yep

- for people who do the Texas crutch and use a pan - do you do it for the whole time of smoking? If you wrap the brisket while smoking it, no smoke will get to the meat.  If you use the "crutch," do it after smoking.  In effect, you're using the crutch to tenderize the meat by steaming/braising.  I don't foil/crutch, but that's just me - nothing wrong with it either way.

- how long do you smoke it in the total time of cooking?  With a Bradley, you meet the point of diminishing returns after about 4 hours (although some go to 5 on a brisket).  After that, you keep going as long as it takes to get the IT to about 185oF.  We plan for about 1.5 hours per pound total but it can easily go 2 or more.

- do you use a rub?  I use salt and pepper and maybe some granulated garlic.  Others get much "fancier."  Personal preference.

- do you mop it to keep it moist and how frequently?  I don't.  Many do.  I find that a drip pan with some water/stock and veggies (onions, etc.) keeps it plenty moist.  That's based on smoking a whole packer.  If you're doing a precut flat, you may need more moisture but since I've never done one, I don't know.

- if you ftc, how long do you do with that?  Usually about 1.5-2 hours

- what is your favourite stuff to serve with brisket? Shiner Bock

Smoker John

I've done about 6 briskets since I purchased my Bradley in the spring, and they have all turned out great. Everyone has different ways and methods, I have made slight variations in all my attempts and just try some different flavouring.

Some comments/questions:
- sounds like 225 is a good temp- Yup that's fine I aim for around 200 cooking temp (for the internal temp of the meat itself I shoot for 180-190)
- for people who do the Texas crutch and use a pan - do you do it for the whole time of smoking?  I haven't tried this yet but usually it's for the last hour or 2 of your cooking time I believe?
- how long do you smoke it in the total time of cooking? I smoke for about 4-4.5 hours
- do you use a rub? I put a rub on it & leave it in the fridge for a few hours, some will leave it overnight.
- do you mop it to keep it moist and how frequently? I have tried a mop on my last couple which added another layer of flavour, the disadvantage is the heat loss opening & closing the door about every 1.5 hours or so do it quick lol
- if you ftc, how long do you do with that? An hour or so
- what is your favourite stuff to serve with brisket? Nice fresh bread, coleslaw, baked beans made with smoked bacon
Enjoy the brisket, it tastes fantastic
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