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New to BSG

Started by Matrixxdg, December 29, 2014, 12:14:42 PM

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Hi All. I added the BSG to my existing smoker and although I have smoke going into my smokebox I have half of the smoke coming out of the top of the generator where the wood biscuits go into the generator. 

Is this normal?

Thanks..Mike G


Welcome to the forum.

I would think that is not normal at all. Is your smoke box properly vented, can the smoke flow through it from bottom to top and out. Do you have a breeze across the vent causing back flow? I do know that smoke back through the generator will foul the switch and mechanism in short order. You need to address this issue.
It's going to take a lifetime to smoke all this.


Thanks Orion. I guess that is the issue. I only have one 4" vent on the top of a 3' high box. I will add another vent in the top.

Thanks for the quick reply. Have a Happy New Year.



A 4 " vent on a 3 ' box should be adequate. Can you post a picture. I wouldn't be in a hurry to cut more holes in your smoker. Sounds more like an air flow problem due to backdraft. Hard to form an opinion without a picture of your smoker. We do love pictures you know. :)
It's going to take a lifetime to smoke all this.


Thanks for looking at this Orion.


Good job on the picture.

Yes, it looks like a 4"vent but it only exposes 1/2 the hole opening. It is not unusual to have a little smoke seeping out where the BSG enters the cabinet, particularly when mounted to a foreign box. You should not have smoke exiting through the body of the BSG and out the puck tube. As I mentioned that will gum up the switch and puck pushing mechanism giving you grief.

First thing I would try is ensuring that wind is not playing a factor in preventing flow of smoke. It does not take much breeze across the top of the vent to cause back pressure. Also, make a 6" stove pipe out of anything you have, large tin can, rolled up cardboard and temporarily tape it on you vent outlet. Do not use cardboard permanently...FIRE HAZARD!! Just try it to see if it improves flow.

Failing that try to remove some material from the vent opening to enlarge it. It appears you only have control over half of the diameter of the opening. It would be easy to change that to adjustable fully open or fully closed.
It's going to take a lifetime to smoke all this.


Hi Orion,
Once again thank you for all of your help. I'll finish today's venison sausage run and plan on a project for this weekend. Cut the hole bigger and install a stove pipe with damper.

Have a great New Year... MG