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750 Watt element swap - OEM bradley controller

Started by trevorandlori, February 01, 2015, 01:59:41 PM

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Easy mod for those that want a little more heat, without having to join the PID cult! ;)

So after numerous times smoking with a lack of heating power, as I live in  Central Canada, it's been -20 to -30C the past few smokes. I decided to get a 750 watt finned element, as the Bradly controller should have no issues running this, based on the specs I can find. I ordered mine off amazon (finned strip heater, 10.5" long).



(not sure how to get these to show)

I needed the smoker for a big roast today, and so I did a rush install last nigh in an hour. I pulled the old element out, re-rerouted one wire, as the new element had both terminals at one end. (Had I ordered the right one, I would not have had to do that, it required removing the rear panel). I notched the splash tray that sits under the OEM element, and just laid the new element in there, supported by the end tabs, leaving the finned portion more centered and able to flow air.

I could only get maybe 200F with the OEM element, now it hits 240 in half an hour, and climbing. No more heating issues! The element was $60 or so, and took an hour to install. Would have been a half hour had I ordered the correct one. No need to use the smoke element as supplemental heat now either!

I hope this helps someone, as I have read so many internet tutorials, to my benefit, now it's my turn!


Quote from: trevorandlori on February 01, 2015, 01:59:41 PM
(not sure how to get these to show)

Click on the IMG box to the right of each pic on Photobucket.  The contents will automatically be copied onto your clipboard.  Paste those contents into a message on here.


That looks great. I've searched trying to get one in the UK and no joy.  :( The U.S. shop won't ship to England. Is anyone willing to get a couple for me and send them to the UK? They would only need a bit of bubble wrap and a plastic envelope to ship. If you have a paypal account I can put the money straight there before you buy if you like.
HELP   ???



I live in London, Ont and have a similar problem. You say you did not get the correct finned strip heater - what is the correct one? Did you order from Amazon.com or Amazon.ca? Could I ask you to email reply to [email protected]
Thanks, Don

Smoker John

Great info on this. Parksdo doesn't appear to be an element that price on Amazon.ca, the .com has them though. Not sure what referring to the "correct one" means however, maybe connector positioning? Let us know if you find out.
Bradley Digital 4 Rack
Bradley BS712


I meant the "correct" one would have terminals on each end, as opposed the mine that required minor re routing of the wiring.
Easier for go to move wires than find another vendor up here in Canada!


I found this little guy online today and will be ordering it.  It has a stud at each end so hopefully no need to rewire the smoker.



Just in case someone is confused, elements come with two terminals for attaching a wire to each one. Some elements are built such that the two terminals are located on one end of the element and some elements have one terminal at each end.

Bradleys were wired from the factory for elements with a terminal at each end and so if you buy one with the terminals both on one end you have to change the routing of the wiring in order to make the connections. If possible , get an element with a terminal on each end and it will simplify the installation as the original wires will be exactly where you need them.

Thanks for the post sledhead01. Great info and pics.
It's going to take a lifetime to smoke all this.


After doing a couple smoking sessions, I noticed that I always have a hard time getting a decent temperature. Totally empty, I could only get it to about 220. With just a couple racks of ribs or a roast, it wouldnt get to over 180. So I decided to mod it with the 725 watt element.

I used this 1 - http://www.zoro.com/tempco-heater-120v-10-12-in-l-1200-deg-f-csf00123/i/G1580835/

Really easy to do. Just used 2 2in. corner brackets with a couple of screw/nuts to screw it to the corner bracket than I used 2 metal screws to screw it to the heat deflector. I left the stock element in to plug the stock hole in the ceramic piece and just ran the wires in between the element and the ceramic. I had to slightly file the stock eye connectors for about 10 seconds to make them just a hair bigger to fit on the new elements mounting screws. I had to take the back off to loosen the wires up from the tie down so I had the slack to extend the wires out of the ceramic to the mounting posts on the new element. The whole mod took about 20 min and I couldnt be happier.

I am now able to easily hit 250 with a full load. The pid still seems to work perfectly with this mod without having to recalibrate Here are a couple pictures.


I am also thinking of going to the 750 watt element. What I would like to know is do you still need to go to a PID for the 750 watt element?

Smoker John

Thanks to the posters for info on this mod. I am definitely doing this, tired of this thing trying to get up to temp & especially when it is cooler out and also the element should improve heat recovery.
Bradley Digital 4 Rack
Bradley BS712


Exactly what I was looking for!

Living in Saskatchewan I had given up smoking anything past the end of October at -10 with a wind the best I could get was 75 C

Bradley should come up with a better factory option not everybody lives where it's warm year round

What was the cost of shipping to Canada? they don't give a price or option to ship UPS is not an option I'd use charcoal before I used them to ship from the US
'A few decades ago we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs. Now we have no Cash, no Hope and no Jobs.

Please don't let Kevin Bacon die.'

Bill Murray


Quote from: bat119 on March 16, 2016, 12:00:26 PM
Exactly what I was looking for!

Living in Saskatchewan I had given up smoking anything past the end of October at -10 with a wind the best I could get was 75 C

Bradley should come up with a better factory option not everybody lives where it's warm year round

What was the cost of shipping to Canada? they don't give a price or option to ship UPS is not an option I'd use charcoal before I used them to ship from the US

I avoided the cost of shipping by performing the dual 500 watt element mod. I'm in frozen Canada too and it has performed flawlessly. Bradley will ship you a second element in short order.

It's going to take a lifetime to smoke all this.


That Zorro deal only ships by UPS NEVER NEVER NEVER use UPS from the US it will cost you twice as much

I found one a t Acklands, this is the same model we use in a commercial dehydrator at work the elements last a long time and should last a lifetime in a smoker.

HEATER 120V 12IN L 1200DEG 900 watts


One week delivery I'll post a pic when I get it installed
'A few decades ago we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs. Now we have no Cash, no Hope and no Jobs.

Please don't let Kevin Bacon die.'

Bill Murray


Quote from: bat119 on March 18, 2016, 06:30:35 AM
That Zorro deal only ships by UPS NEVER NEVER NEVER use UPS from the US it will cost you twice as much

Good point - I ordered all the parts for my fridge conversion to a fermentation chamber from amazon.ca with prime.  They have been shipped from Atalanta free and will arrive on Monday, ordered 10 days ago.  Power of bigness me thinks.  I'll be ordering the element from Acklands for my obs though.