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Mold on drying salmon in fridge?!?

Started by Akmoose, August 19, 2015, 05:28:59 PM

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Ok I may have an issue! I've had 12 racks drying in the fridge for almost 44-hours trying to dry them with not much luck so I decided to place them on the kitchen counter and dry them for a couple hours with a fan. I noticed the several pieces of fish had what looked like small bits of grey mold on them maybe the size of a pea or match head. I'll try to post pictures. Anyone ever had this problem before???
"Tight Lines & Best Fishes"




"Tight Lines & Best Fishes"




Never had that happen during the smoking evolution. Looks like spoiled meat. How long has it been since removed from ocean or freezer? Brine and reefer would suppress but not prevent spoilage...mine is out of freezer or ocean no more than 36-48 hours before smoked, consumed, or frozen. If this is store bought, who knows how long they've let it "sit"....also, ambient temps will make a difference in allowing spoilage both in and out of the reefer. Mold can be cut out and meat salvaged, spoilage is nothing to gamble with...


Dipnet Reds packed in ice two days then rinsed vacpacked straight to freezer, thawed, brined 12-hrs, drying in fridge since 8:pm Monday. That's pretty much it
"Tight Lines & Best Fishes"




Out of 12 racks only 6-pieces of fish had these small marks and only where the fish touched the rack. Maybe one spot per 6 to 8 fish effected.
"Tight Lines & Best Fishes"




In your note are you indicating that this only happened where ever it touched a rack. I there a chance that the salts are reacting with something that the racks are made of??


Possibly but not going to risk it. Tossed 12 racks of salmon. Extremely disheartening! Starting over again tomorrow. Will keep you posted.
"Tight Lines & Best Fishes"




Why were you drying fish fillets for two days in your refrigerator?  Describe the entire process you were following when the mold or spoilage problem developed.


I use Kummok's method and follow it to the letter always with excellent results.

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Where there's smoke, there's HAPPINESS!!!


Quote from: pmmpete on August 20, 2015, 06:27:25 AM
Why were you drying fish fillets for two days in your refrigerator?

X2.^^^  Mine sit on the counter with a fan blowing gently across the pieces for 2 hrs. at most and usually less. Blot the surfaces dry w/paper towel first. A pillicle will start forming immediately.
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