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First attempt at Bacon

Started by zueth, February 03, 2018, 03:34:42 PM

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I picked up a 10.5 lb pork belly from Costco to make bacon.  I split the pork belly in half so I had 2- 5lb chunks.  I planned on doing the 10.5 maple bacon so mixed together the ingredients and spread over the pork belly and put it in a zip loc and in the fridge for seven days.   Esch night I flipped them over to distribute cure properly.  After the 7th day, I removed from cure and rinsed with water. Then i put them on an inverted bradley rack into the fridge overnight.  The next day I fired up the Bradley and smoked at 120 for 3 hours with maple, then continued to cook at 160 until IT of 140.  Put the bellies in the fridge overnight and then the next day I put them in zip locs.  They sat in the fridge about 48 hours and then I sliced.  I left out about 8 pieces and vacuum packed the rest and put in the freezer. I cooked some up this am and the flavor was amazing, but the texture was a little firm, so I just need to work on the best way to cook.  I think I will try lower temps the next time around.  Overall I consider it a success and will be doing more.

Here are pics of the process:
Pork Belly

Out of brine

Out of smoker

Bacon Jig

Sliced Up

Habanero Smoker

I like your bacon jig.

I see you decided to smoke/cook the half slab that had the bright red section. I would have done the same.




Looks real good, I especially like your jig!! I might use your idea and get rid of my slicer ;)


Try cold smoking for your next run.  The texture will be better.   


Nice looking Bacon. I get my bellies from Fiesta Foods and have them split them so I have four to smoke.

Bradley 4 rack Digital, 900 watt, Auber PID
Bradley cold smoke adapter
Char-Griller Smoking Pro BBQ Smoker with rotisserie
Brinkman Bullet Smoker
Weber 24"
Custom Hard Cure Cabinet for Salami
One Auber Master Temp monitor and two remotes with probes, up to ten remotes can be used.


Looks good.  When my bacon is ready, I throw it in the freezer till it stiffens some.  Make for easier slicing.
The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude. Julia Child