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Auber 1211 PID

Started by Chuckals, January 18, 2021, 10:15:32 AM

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In order for the Bradley digital smoker to work, all cables received rom Bradley need to be connected. This includes the sensor cable. If it is not connected to the back of the BS916 or also in the case of the the digital 4 rack then the generator turns on but nothing can be set...smoke time ....oven time....temp etc. Once plugged in.....everything works

So, In the diagram showing how to connect the Auber 1211 the sensor cable is not shown as attached

Does it need to be?  Also, if it is attached wouldn't it defeat the purpose of the PID?
The smoke generator would be getting a reading for the temp inside the smoker from the Bradley sensor and the PID would be getting a reading from the sensor dropped through the vent in the smoker

Or....does the PID bypass the smoke generator for the temperature control somehow?  Either way it looks like the sensor cable needs to be hooked up

cathouse willy

The digital smoke gen needs to get a signal from the sensor or a termination plug to be able to make smoke.The pid is connected to control the oven temp only e.g. the pid is plugged into the 110v outlet and the oven is plugged into the pid,then the smoke gen no longer controls the oven temp, hope this helps.


So just leave the sensor cable plugged in then and the Auber will do the rest?
Auber keeps tight temps?

cathouse willy

smoke gen attached to oven via its' sensor ca ,oven plugged into the back of the pid, for temp control pid sensor hangs in oven.Pid will keep 2-3 deg of set temp.


K. Thanks. I thought there would be some confusion between the smoke generator trying to sense temperature in oven and the Auber doing the same. Sounds like Auber takes over.
Thanks for your help!


K. So I got everything hooked up now and gonna try tomorrow
1211 is hooked directly to power
Generic is hooked directly to power
Bypass  plug is plugged into generator
Special cable from Suber is routed to power in back of 1211 and other end is in the tower
Next will be to set temp of Suber at 250 and turn on smoke generator
Anything else I am missing