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Brisket in the P10

Started by Habanero Smoker, June 18, 2021, 03:03:17 AM

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Habanero Smoker

I haven't done a brisket in a Bradley for some time. Finally got around to smoke/roasting a whole brisket in the P10. I started with a 12.94-pound CAB, prime grade. After trimming it weighed 9.5 pounds.  I used a simple Dalmatian Rub, with some garlic powder and paprika. Placing it diagonally on the rack, I was able to lay it flat. I cooked it at 250°F, and I applied three hours of oak. I may cut back on the smoke, if I do another brisket in the P10. NOTE: Dalmatian Rub is equal parts kosher salt, and coarse ground black pepper.

Total smoke/roast time was 8:45 hours. After 3.5 hours the internal temperature rose from 42°F to 145°F. At this time, I checked the bark and color. The color was good and the bark was set, so I decided to wrapped it in foil, and added about 1/4 cup of low sodium beef broth. After about 5 more hours the brisket reached an internal temperature of 204°F. I took it out of the smoker and let it rest for two hours.

FTC can be a chore for me. So what I do when I rest my briskets and/or butts, I preheat my microwave, by placing a cup of water in the microwave, and bring it to a boil. I then move the cup to a far corner of the microwave, and with the microwave off I place the still wrapped brisket in the.

After two hours I unwrapped the brisket, removed the point, and cut a few slices from the flat. The texture was competition "perfect", and moist enough. I was able to cut thin slices that stayed together. When a slice was held up by one end it stayed together, and it easily pulled apart. I also used the drape (hang) test, and a slice drooped perfectly over my index finger. But I like my brisket with a little more bite, I'll probably start checking the texture of the next one when it gets around 195°F.

I wanted to make burnt ends out of the point, but I was running late. I may try to turn the point into burnt ends either tomorrow or Saturday. I've never tried doing this the day after the brisket was cooked, so I'll see how that goes.

It wasn't the perfect brisket, but is turned out really good. The color was spot on, and the bark was close to perfect. Who says you can't smoke a good brisket in the Bradley?



Thank You for sharing with us Hab. My mouth was watering as I was reading your post :) I'm looking forward to smoking a brisket in the next couple of weeks. Found one in the freezer that I had forgotten about from last fall!!!! Oh well, it'll be great and wife is looking forward to another smoke/BBQ. Maybe I'll make it for her birthday? It's the thought that counts, right???

Habanero Smoker

Happy birthday to you wife. You're right the thought does counts but the effort makes it better.  :)

This summer I'm going to try to use my Bradley more often. I'm still thinking about turning the point into burnt ends.


Smoker John

Sounds very tasty Habs. I never wrap brisket but I'm going to give it a try on my next one. My 4 rack digital won't make it 250 unfortunately, thanks for sharing your method.
Bradley Digital 4 Rack
Bradley BS712

Habanero Smoker

Wrapping definitely does cut down on the cook time, though you may get a slightly softer bark. I feel it also helps retain some moisture.



I wrap mine in butcher paper instead of foil because I read that it doesn't cause the bark to get mushy.

Barbeque 101: Wrapping Meat in Foil vs. Butcher Paper

Habanero Smoker

Using butcher paper has been something on my to do list for several years, but didn't want to purchase a large roll. I tried getting some from the meat counter in a local supermarket, but meat sections in all the supermarkets in my area only have treated butcher paper.

I've just notice that Reynolds is now selling small rolls or pink butcher paper (18" x 75') in supermarkets and Walmart. I may pick up a roll, and try it in one of my charcoal cookers. If I don't like it I can always give the rest to a great niece or nephew to use as craft paper. ;D

Whether you wrap in foil or butcher paper, after wrapping you still have to make sure you have enough room in your Bradley for heat to circulate.
