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first pork ribs - posting my technique

Started by DrMorleyDentist, November 03, 2006, 10:13:45 AM

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well here it goes (sorry no pics this time).  I am in the middle of smoking my first rack (actually 3 of them) of ribs.  I just wanted to post the technique I used.  I love this site but it seems that there werent many post for ribs that stated complete technique.  (I know there  probably are but just didnt run  across them) 

8pm - Thurs night: cut 3 full racks in half so they would fit into 4-rack smoker and rubbed with 1.) Dizzy Pork  2.)swamp venom  3.)salt, pepper, garlic.  Seran wrap for over night

6am - Fri morning (Just because im an early riser and couldnt wait to get started) took out 2 racks and drip pan and water bowl.  Pre-heat BS to 250 degree and take ribs out of the frig.   Outside temp around 18 degree with no wind, but BS heated to 250 degrees in about 45 minutes.  lined drip with foil for easy clean-up. place 3 - 1/2 rack ribs on each of the 2 wire shelves and placed hot h2o in water bowl.  Opened the door after BS at 250 degrees and placed drip pan, water bowl, and ribs into BS, and shut the door.  Adjusted temp down to 210 degrees and put 4 hours of wood pucks (2-hickory then 1-apple).  I did not check the ribs, spritz ribs, or open the door for 4 hours.  I just let the BS do it's magic.  After 4 hours of smoke I took out the ribs, increased BS oven temp to 250, and wrapped each rack with foil with apple juice.  And back into the BS for 3 more hours.  After 3 hours at 250 degrees, I FTC'ed for 2 more hours.

4pm - took ribs out of cooler and uncovered the best "fall-off-the-bone" ribs one could expect

some have said ribs are difficult, but with the BS ribs couldnt be easier


Sounds like your on your way to making a lot of people happy with nice RIBS.I do like the dizzy dust also venom rubs

Just another weekend with the smoker...


Thanks for your post.  I'm looking forward to my first rib experience shortly.  It is encouraging to hear about your inaugural success!


Way to go D.M.D. ;)
Glad to hear the ribs turned out.
Like Rat said, it sounds like your going to make a lot of people happy. :)


I had heard some concerns previously about covering the v-tray with foil, that it was not a good idea.  My guess would be that it would keep alot of the heat trapped below which would cause the box to take longer to warm up.  Can't argue with your results, but i twas just something I noticed and had heard others recommend not doing it. 

Are there any disadvantages to wrapping in foil for easy cleanup?


Quote from: irish_smoker on November 30, 2006, 08:32:28 AM
I had heard some concerns previously about covering the v-tray with foil, that it was not a good idea.  My guess would be that it would keep alot of the heat trapped below which would cause the box to take longer to warm up.  Can't argue with your results, but i twas just something I noticed and had heard others recommend not doing it. 

Are there any disadvantages to wrapping in foil for easy cleanup?
I don't think it's so much of a heat worry but more of a grease build up concern. What ever you decide make sure the vent and drain slots are always kept open. Just my thoughts on it.


Just purchased my BS too and had my rib test drive earlier yesterday.  Quite a bit easier/different than a charcoal smoker.  Looking forward to many repeat performances. 

I've read some of the other posts regarding rib racks, but seems to me you'd still have to cut the rib racks in half given the depth of the BS' racks.  How many racks of ribs can you smoke using rib racks or the "s" hook rack in a 6R BS?  Thanks in advance for the ideas.




Welcome to the forum. I see on your signature line...

I've fallen and can't reach my beer

You need to place refreshments at ground level. :D :D :D

Isn't this a helpful place to be???? 8) 8) 8)



I think you're right.  Set the beer on the ground, and not to close to the smoker door.  I'll have to rethink my approach.

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: Consiglieri on December 01, 2006, 07:04:40 PM
Just purchased my BS too and had my rib test drive earlier yesterday.  Quite a bit easier/different than a charcoal smoker.  Looking forward to many repeat performances. 

I've read some of the other posts regarding rib racks, but seems to me you'd still have to cut the rib racks in half given the depth of the BS' racks.  How many racks of ribs can you smoke using rib racks or the "s" hook rack in a 6R BS?  Thanks in advance for the ideas.


Welcome Consiglieri,

You can also smoke them vertically by curling them so that they will stand up, if they don't stay curled you may have to use butcher's string. with some maneuvering you may be able to get two full racks on each tray, if not you will definitely get one full rack per tray. I have also formed them in a circle, like a crown roast, this take some cutting and notching the meat here and there to get it to form a circle.



Thanks, HS.  I read the circle/crown technique in a Paul Kirk book some time ago and have been curious as to how that would turn out.  Seems like when I fire up the smoker, a family get together turns into an extended family/neighbor/etc. event.  I've been reading some of the other posts to try and figure out some ideas for maximizing capacity of cooked food. 

Standin up like that, seems like you'd be limited to 6 racks of baby back (two per BS rack in the 6 shelver) because you'd have to remove every other BS Rack.  Using rib racks, it seems like you'd have a similar issue: a four slot rib rack will let you get 2 racks of ribs per BS rack (because the BS depth seems to require the BB to be halved) and you still have to remove every other BS rack.

If you can get 1.5 racks of baby backs on each BS shelf, as suggested in a much earlier post,then you can smoke up to 9 racks in the 6 rack BS.  I think in the same post some one mentioned a "double shelving technique;" I'd be interested in learning what that is.

Any other ideas?  I think I'm going to move this out as a new/old topic
